Tuesday, July 18, 2006

All Right People… Here it is.

Nothing terribly exciting has been happening in my life. I’m getting old…er. All the sudden I looked around and most of my friends are in happy, wonderful relationships with futures and what not. I’m in a happy relationship, with myself. I would say Howard is in it too, but he is really not a good example. Our relationship is pretty one sided. I make sure that he has food, water, potty breaks, and pats on the head. He sheds incessantly all over the house, chases the cats, and does his best to stay underfoot. It’s great.
Speaking of dogs… I met my neighbor yesterday. Wait, that transition didn’t go as smoothly as I wanted. Sorry about that. Where was I? Oh, yes. I have lived in my neighborhood for three years. I know all my neighbors, but I haven’t met all of their significant others. For example, I know my neighbor across the street, but I had not officially met his wife. Yesterday Travis went over to help him break up some concrete, and I was invited to tag along. She is so nice! I was so excited to make her acquaintance. The funny part that has to do with dogs is coming up next… So we chatted for a couple of hours while the guys did their manly breaking up concrete thing. She was telling me that she really likes her little toy poodle Pepper, because she likes her dogs a little dumb. Not smart enough that they can figure out how to get out or steal food. All I could think of is how she likes her men a little slow on the draw as well. I can’t even believe it, I mean, don’t get me wrong, they are the coolest neighbors I’ve ever had… but her husband is not the sharpest tool in the shed. For example, he bought this address light that is pretty tacky and it’s on the front of their house. He made the comment that he knows how much she loves it because every time he turns the light on, she turns it off to make sure that it lasts and doesn’t wear out. It just struck me as extremely funny that he believes that. Seriously. They are so fun though. I think that he doesn’t realize how funny he is, and that just makes it so much funnier. In conclusion it was great to meet them and spend some time with her, I really like her and I hope that we can hang out again. I would like to invite them over for a bbq or something, but I don’t have any patio furniture. I don’t have a patio either. I have three camping chairs. So it may be a while.


At 8:56 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

haha...funny lady...did you get my message? i know you did...i guess im one of those people with a significant other? yeah but i'm still the old Leah :) I love you and miss you! drop me a line...

At 10:43 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your neighbor has a pretty good philosophy I have to admit . . .

At 11:05 AM , Blogger Kathleen said...

Well glad to hear you met someone new. I have lived here over a year now, and I am just now getting to know my neighbors. They can be fun, neighbors.
Oh yeah, and I seem to have the same type of relationship....the petting, the feeding, potty breaks, and pats on the head...yeah, I got that too!


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