Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Do you think that Lexus matches my shoes?

So, Rene and I have arrived. She actually got there two days ahead of me, as always. We are officially 25. Wow. Did you realize that is only 5 years away from 30? I still can’t believe that I’m in my twenties, let alone half way to 30. Sheesh. I’m not going to think about it any more, its way to scary.
For six years running, Rene and I have spent our birthdays together. Well, sometimes we spend the weekend before or after together. But we always celebrate it together. Last year, I spent it with her at her house, a little party and some Skip-and-Go-Naked (the drink people, get your mind out of the gutter!!) It was fun. We played some cards and sat around talking.
This year, we camped! Ya! I love camping. It is so fun. We went up by Sullivan Lake, and just spend the weekend relaxing. We were a little delayed in arriving (see the next paragraph) but we did make it there alive. We spent our time sitting around the campfire, talking and laughing, laying out by the lake, attempting to survive the tidal waves caused by the wind on the lake with a $4 floaty not approved for monsoon weather, and river walking. Howard was incredibly brave and we discovered that he does know how to swim. His survival kicked in and he swam just like any little dog would. He also came along river walking, however the current was a little strong in some places and I ended up carrying him some of the way. Cute little doggie followed me around the entire time. The last time we went camping, he tried to wander off, so I had to keep him tethered. This time he stayed right in camp with us. He finally figured out that hot dogs aren’t available all the time, so he needs to be near the cooler if he wants some. We did spend a little too much time in the sun, and I’m incredibly sun burned. NGWTNA kept finding reasons to slap me on the back yesterday at work… and he almost was accidentally run over by my car. So sad. Quite a brush with death, I’m telling you. That car just has a mind of it’s own! Goodness! (to quote Mara!)

Speaking of cars, mine faked death again on the side of the highway this weekend. We were almost to Colville, and it started to putter out. Sigh. Fortunately it made it to my parent’s house where my dad and Pat were able to revive it. My goal is now to search and find the perfect new car. I’m mostly excited to get a new car, the rest of me is pretty nervous about doing it all by myself. I don’t know that much about cars. I can figure out where the oil goes, and probably change it by myself. I know what most of the stuff in there is for and how it works, but besides that, I’m in the dark. Plus, I’m not too confrontational and those car salesman... However, I have an enormously misplaced amount of faith in myself, and I intend to soldier on. I test drove a sweet little Honda Civic on Sunday… and I think that might be in love. Not with that one specifically, it was little ratty around the edges, but with Honda Civics. I’m actually (dare I say it) looking for long-term commitment when it comes to a car. Plus, the bank for some extremely stupid reason has decided to give me a massive amount of money. Did someone forget to send them the memo? The one that talks about how much I love to spend money? What were they thinking? I can’t even believe it. I mean, seriously people, what am I going to buy with that type of money? A Lexus? Perhaps a Jag? You know I’ve always thought that they were rather nice. Hmm… Maybe I can get two, then my car could always coordinate with my outfit. That is a good idea. Yep. I think that I’ll get right on that. I think maybe a nice tan one and a black one… or cranberry, or silver. That would be quite smashing.


At 3:09 PM , Blogger Lacey said...

I'm not sure how long a car like that would last in your neighborhood...Travis's car is almost too nice for it and look what happened to it!! I'm glad you had a great birthday weekend! We missed you at the birthday bonfire!

At 9:05 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mother Mara says, "I know I'm not your mother, but please don't buy brand spankin' new if you can help it. Two years old is the perfect age. You get so much depreciation immediately buying new. And to find a reliable model check out consumerreports.org. I'll even sneak you our password if you want to check it out."

At 9:36 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

what car number will this one be...I pray no more Becky! no more!! (maybe you can drive over for the wedding?:)


At 12:45 PM , Blogger Kathleen said...

Becky...go for it....instead of chosing between tan,, black, silver, or maroon....get all four! That sounds like fun! Woo hooo!

P.S. I have to agree with Mara, I have done the new car thing, it bit my in the butt! 2 years old is nice, and after you have had it for 3-4 years, it will be perfect time to sell.


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