Wednesday, June 25, 2008

So, school started... and I already feel like I have so much homework. When you take night classes, most of the Prof's recognize that you are working full time and so they are very lax with the homework, in fact I took one class in which I never had to crack the book! Sigh. Those were the good ole' days. Not so much anymore. But, here is the good news... only six more weeks left! It's only a seven week quarter, so I can't complain to much. It just means that things are packed in a bit more. I don't have class on Friday either, so it gives me an extra day to catch up.
I made a new friend in Biology. I can't pronounce her name, but she is pretty smart, and we were working on our homework together and she seemed to know most of the answers. Always a good idea to befriend someone who can help you out!! : )
Hmm... well, it's getting late and I need to finish up my homework for tomorrow's lab. Hopefully we get the chance to blow some stuff up. That is what a lab is all about!!


At 5:01 AM , Blogger Kathleen said...

Heck ya! What's the point in learning if you can't have fun??
Glad school is for you! It was never for me. I hated studying, yucky!

At 11:57 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, you took care of everything fast! That's awesome you're back in school so fast. Congrats and hope it's fun!


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