Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Ahh... it snowed again this morning. Can I just say that I hate snow? I have always felt that way, ever since I had to drive in it. Fortunately it started raining a bit later, of course, after I had to drive to work in the snow. I just know the minute that I invest in snow tires it will never snow here again. Plus I don't have any place to store them... I don't have any space to store anything. But yet I just keep buying new shoes... Just kidding. Mostly. : )
So I haven't heard back from YWAM yet, as in they have been emailing me but they have not made a decision. I really want to go, but I don't have the money and I don't doubt that it will come if I am supposed to go... but it's hard to look at the little I have scraped together (I was kidding about the new shoes for the record) and believe that it will be multiplied into what is needed. In 65 days. Whooo...
So I have a back up plan. If I don't get in to this class, I still want to go, but I am going to apply to a different class somewhere else that starts next year. Then I am going to quite my second job and take enough classes over the summer and fall to finish my AA degree. Then I will be done with school and I can think about going next spring or summer. I don't have a deadline to go by... it's not like I'm going to get married or something in the next year. I would have to meet a guy in order for that to happen! : ) And I'm not holding my breathe for that, for sure. Sigh. Prince Charming... is he elusive or non-existent? Which is worse? : ) Thank goodness I have little Howard. He is the best Prince Charming ever. Except for his breathe. Whoo....


At 5:15 PM , Blogger Leah Johnson said...

my becky! I'm so glad you posted, good to read your update. I had been thinking of you and realized too that you would be leaving very soon for your trip (if it's all supposed to happen.) but your backup plan sounds like a better deal though :) plus, I havent seen you in like 42392783487 days and if you left w/o seeing me it would so not be cool. anyways, I miss you and hope maybe someday we can see each other again :) give me a shout out or something, that would be nice, anyway, email, phone, facebook, etc...ttyl!


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