Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Soo... an new year. So far, I'm not doing so great at posting, it's what, the 13th and I'm zero posts in. Hmmm....
Christmas was good. It was different. But in the end I made it to Eastern WA to see my family, and then I made it back alive (all because fearless Lacey was behind the wheel!)
New Year's was lame, lamer then ever. I worked both New Years Eve and the Day after. So I didn't do anything, in fact I didn't even stay up to watch the fireworks. I think that New Year's Eve is kind of a couple's holiday anyway... It's not much fun if you don't have someone to kiss at midnight and you are surrounded by ten hundred people who do. I'm sure that you catch my drift.
I finally gave in to the madness and read the Twilight series. I couldn't help myself, after seen the movie twice... ahh Edward. It took me all of two days to read the first two books, and then a friend from work lent me the second two. Sometimes I hate the fact that I can read so quickly, Edward was gone to soon. Ahh... Edward. I would gladly sign up to be a vampire if Twilight was real. I don't know many girls who wouldn't! : )
Not to much else is new. I'm still working three jobs, trying to keep it under 55 hours a week or I get a little crazy.
Only one more single-person-hater-holiday left and then I will be home free! Dang it that the last one is the worst, stupid Cupid. And it's on a Saturday. Also lame. I need to make some plans soon... but most of my single friends are holding out that a boy will show up unexpectedly. I can't blame them. I will leave my phone on, just in case I get a call. From Edward. Ha! : ) That was entertaining to me.
Oh, lots of drama at the coffee shop. This guy has been coming in, and he is tall, thin, good looking. And he has this fantastic English accent. Everyone likes a boy with an accent. Anyway, to make a long story short, he comes in and we talk for a while... and then he starts hitting on me hard core. Like really, really hard core, with questions like, "What do you look for in a guy? Tell me about your past relationships? What do you do for fun? Do you like guys from other countries?" He is laying on the complements pretty thick... and I'm a bit taken by surprise but defiantly not interested (the guy is really a boy, barely 21). In the end, he leaves because he has to pick someone up or something and he promises to come back soon and visit. So I ask around, and find out that alot of the other barista's think that his accent is... not hot, but FAKE! I know! So then I can't handle the curiosity, and I really, really hope that he comes in again. And he does, but I can't really tell. So one day (a couple of weeks later and maybe four or five visits later) and he is sitting there at the bar talking again, and this lady walks in and looks and him in surprise and says "Oh, hi Eric! What are you doing here?" Problem is this guys has told all of us his name. And it's not Eric. Ha! So then I really, really want to listen to there conversation to hear if he is using an accent or not! But the store is to busy and I'm barring, so I can't hear them at all because they are sitting at the other end of the store. Sadly, they decide to leave before I can sneak over and listen. But when "Eric" leaves, he doesn't say a single word to me, he just waves and then walks out. I know! Grrr.... and so I tell my co-worker how bummed I am that I couldn't hear them. And he then tells me that he could over hear them and "Eric" was NOT talking in an accent! AHHH!!!! Can you believe it? It's one thing to use an accent through the drive thru to win a dare. I have done that several times. It's another to create a new person and an entirely different LIFE!! What is that about? How bored is this guy really? Doesn't he have a tv? Sheesh.... To much, I am telling you. It is out of control! And then he has the nerve to come back two days later with his fake little accent and try to woo me some more.
Bottom line: Fake accents will not get you free coffee. Not at my shop. : )


At 4:00 PM , Blogger Leah Johnson said...

HEhehe...that is a funny story, I've missed reading your posts :( I miss you too of course, I know you've been MIA it seems since you've been working so much. Hopefully we can connect someday, before you leave on your trip. FYI We're all moved into our new house, it's really surreal and different and crazy, and overwhelming of course. We're figuring out things a little at a time, it's just so much BIGGER than our small apt it almost doesn't feel right. Oh yeah, I know you called me a few weeks ago to say hi, this is me saying HI back :) I just remembered that, okay, we will talk later I hope :) love you!

At 11:32 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is just bizarre! Nutty guy. But at least it's somewhat entertaining, right? :P

At 3:18 PM , Blogger SoulzPhyr said...

Hey woman! Working 3 jobs?! WOW! Hey is someone still renting your house on the south hill? We drove by it a couple months ago...man it looked so great!

oh! Get this, we've seen Robert-the-cry-baby in the grocery store near us in the Valley like twice in the past MONTH! I know he doesn't recognize us, but Jordan recognized him! TOO ODD!

Well everything is gonig good today. TTYL!


At 8:19 PM , Blogger Lacey said...

Apparently Valentine's falls on President's weekend and so you should try to go to Spokane and hang with Meagan and I!


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