Friday, June 27, 2008

Now that I'm in school... I'm afraid that I might not have much else to talk about!! Sheesh. Just school, and homework, and studying, and school, and you get the idea. Ugh!!
So, other things that are going on in my life. Oh, tonight is movie night at my Cuz' house, Steve and Gena. They are so great, I really like them. I didn't like Steve so much when we were little (and I think that he may have felt the same way, this is solely based on how we both liked to be the leaders of the cousin's and I had a terrible habit of tattling...) but fortunately we both grew up, and he married the sweetest girl ever, Gena!! Anyway, they are having movie night, and it's always so much fun. Steve is an electrician, and he loves the techie type of stuff. He has this fantastic theater room that is seriously the same size as a three car garage. The while nine yards, the projector, the surround sound with more speakers that I have ever seen, etc. It's quite the event!! Plus... a certain person who I may or may have not mentioned in an earlier post will be attending as well. Hmm... if there aren't any seats left, I might just have to sit in someones lap. Sad! Okay, just kidding. Pretty much. No I'm not. Yes I am. No I'm not. Yes I am. Okay enough of that.
So I survived my first week of class. I made a new friend!! And I have already grouped everyone into the typical classic high school room groups. There are the nerdy-type people sitting in the front. You know, the one's that ALWAYS answer the Teacher's rhetorical questions. I just want you to know I was in the only one in class that new jam is thickened with Pectin (it's also used in alot of canning etc.) Yet i didn't feel the need to yell it out when the Teacher asked that. Why? Because I don't need to confirm my level of intelligence by announcing that I am a goody-two-shoes. So there. No one is impressed by your ability to open your mouth and talk every time the Teacher stops to breathe. Smarty Pants. So there. And yes, I'm glad I'm not your lab partner, because I can tell from across the room that your are extremely bossy. Hello Annoying!!
Now, I need to get to work studying and I'm still lounging around in my PJ's. :) So, more on the dynamics of the classroom at another time!


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