Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Attack of the Spider

I just almost died. I thought you should know. I was at work, and I was running around in the back of the office putting tabs on vans that are not currently out in the field. As I walked in between a van and the office, I bent down to duck under the mirror....and I felt it. That sinking feeling as my hair snagged in a spider web. I jumped up and turned around. I couldn't see the spider!! Everyone knows that where there is a web, there is a spider.
So I flip my hair upside down (all the while screaming quietly) and start shaking it, and runing my hands through it. Satisfied that the spider isn't takng up residence in my hair, I stand back up again. Only to look straight in to the face of an electrician.
I looked at him, and all I could say was, "Hey!"
Struggling to recover from the shock of watching me dance around while ripping at my head, all he could respond with was, "Umm... Hey."

And that is why people think I'm crazy folks. That is why.


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