Tuesday, October 02, 2007

August 9th! I haven't posted since August. I know. You are thinking, "Really Becky, what could possibly be happening that is so important it is keeping you from posting. We need to know what that is!!" (Thank you my one faithful reader, you know who you are!)

I have been busy... I have no real excuse. What was I thinking? But then Cosmo says that I shouldn't have to apologize for my hermit streak, because what am I? A socialite? I wish.

So here is the update.

Work is okay. It's really freaking slow out in the field, and so lay-off started. At first I was worried, because I have a tendency to worry. They I became extremely worried, because I have a tendency to become extremely worried. And then that was it. I heard somewhere that only 8% of what you worry about you ENTIRE life ever comes true. I know. All that time that I could be blogging and I spent it worrying. Such a waste.

Here is a list of things that have happened since my last blog:

1. I learned a second language. Okay, I didn't but it has been that long and wouldn't that be cool if I did speak a second language. I think if you are smart enough to speak a second language (BESIDES pig latin, which is lame anyway and I say that not because I can't speak it but because any language named after an animal just isn't real. We have all seen The Emperor's New Groove. Squeek-em, squeak, squeaker.) Anyway, before I so rudely interrupted myself, I think that you should be recognised for the ability to be bilingual. It's smart and smart is cool kids. Drugs are not.

2. My car broke down twice. The first time set me back $600. The second time it was fixed for free by my new hero, who also is my Roomie's little brother. I really could start quite the rant here about how I remember him being about three feet tall and now he is about six feet tall and apparently can fix cars. Talk about changes!

3. Hmm... I went to NV for girls weekend! YA! That was really fun! I think that we all had a good time. NV is okay. I mean, I just really love the PNW, what can I say? The green, green trees, the Mountain, the weather. Love it. Never leaving. But I was proven wrong, there are trees in NV, they are just hiding. : ) You have to know where to look for them.

4. I just (as in TODAY) got back from riding quads with the fam in Moses Lake. That was really cool. Super fun. I got some sweet air on my dad's bike. Oh, and I totally got to hang out with Baby Kaitlyn, who, consequently is my favorite relative. Sorry, everyone else is out. I know, the truth hurts. But if you met Kaitlyn, you would understand. I mean, she can by your second favorite person. I know that, in my heart and yours, I will always be number one.

5. I'm going to New Hampshire! Hello East Coast. I have missed you! : ) The trip is going to ROCK. I'm so excited for it. I'm going to see my Aunt Ruth (She doesn't know that she got bumped down the list of fav relatives yet, so keep that on the down low, FYI) and Uncle Dan. Oh, and I'm traveling with my Mom! At first I think that I felt kinda old, because isn't that what you do when you retire and you haven't been chained yet, I mean, married? But then I was reminded by myself (thank you self, nice call) that my Mom is awesome and we both love the museums, and the coffee, and wait... maybe that is where I get my personal awesome-ness from. My Mom. Hmmm.... I think that it may be a combination of that and a few other things. Like the crack. Oh, and they year that I spent apprenticing under the group of Master Ninjas at the Patch of Sunshine. That may have had something to do with it.

Anyway, my feet are cold and it's time for bed, so I'm outta here. Federline Yo.


At 8:47 AM , Blogger Rach said...

I checked every day, even though you left me hanging for two months. See how much I love you?

PS I also put a link from my blog to yours... you're high rollin'.

At 4:15 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whoo hoo! A post! Glad to hear things are going good up there! P.S. Any word from S?


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