Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Things are moving along quite quickly now! I have two possibilities for renters, I am much indebted to my dear cousin in law, as she shamelessly talked up my little house and attempted to find people to live in it. Both posibilities are coming by tomorrow to look over the house and talk turkey.
I feel somewhat lost in this, just because I don't have to much confidence in my ability to judge character on demand. I would definately have to say that I have the best of friends, all good people who add so much to my life. But these are people that I have gotten to know over the years, people who I have spent time with. Sigh... How do you really tell, in less then ten minutes, if a person is trustworthy to care for your home? In all honesly, I am so worried. I have been researching property management companies, and while they do all the work, they also require for me to sign all types of release forms. Like one that says I won't sue them if the people that they let rent my house have a meth lab in the basement. Ah... That was when I started freaking out. I mean really, really? Really???
Can I really landlord a house? Do I have that in me? Eack!! Looks like it's kinda too late now!! It's sink or swim and I'm going to attempt the swimming... If only I could find my little swimmer arm blow up floaty's, I think I might be a little more confident.
In other news, I packed my first box last night. Pretty exciting! The goal is to have the house as neat as it can be in this uproar called packing. I want to give a good impression, if that is possible... with all these boxes stacked everywhere and the Roomie's room looking like it lost to a tornado. Hmm... He runs, he dives... he madly scoops up socks as the tonado approaches... Noooo... and there are clothes everywhere! Paper from three years of school are flying through the room... is that tupperware there? I have been missing that... Sigh. One for tornado... zero for the Roomie.


At 8:15 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did you find the perfect person for your cute house?

At 9:41 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, I've been thinking about you. How is everything going?


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