Thursday, April 26, 2007

Sometimes... I wonder why it is that I get hounded left and right to blog (by a person that shall remain nameless...) and yet they haven't blogged since Anna Nichole died. And that is totally last month.
I'm moving! AHHH!! I have so much to do, so many decisions to make, some much stuff to try and talk myself into getting rid of so I don't have to pack it.
And I currently have so much homework to do before class as well. Hmm...That means it's story time kids! Gather around! Bring the poppy corn!

The really big question is, sell my house or rent it out? I have a friend that is looking to rent it from me. She just has to check with the proper authorities before she decides. But if she doesn't work out, then should I go through a property management agency? The benefits of owning a house are huge... but do I want the hassle? ACK! I can't decide.

Also, in other news today, I almost had to kill an old man at the post office. People... grrr....
I was parked happily in my parking spot, and getting out of my car, when the old man in some brand new Lexus SUV starts honking his horn at me!! FOR NO REASON!! So I look at him, and I'm like, "What is the problem?" And he responded with, "Don't hit my car with your door!" PLEASE NOTE: He was practically taking more of my parking spot then I was, because he had to be all manly and cool and back into his spot, but apparently he is also blind and can't back up too well.
Side Note: Why is it that guys have to back into parking spots? Is that some kind of cool guy thing? Oh, look at me, look at me, I know how to use reverse, and not just when I'm going through the McDonald's drive thru and I forgot to ask for ketchup. Retarded.
Anyway. So the ol' man is all up in my face, and I was like, "Um... I'm not even close to your door." Seriously. Besides we all know that if he hadn't spent his kid's entire inheritance on that lame tree killing SUV they would still be speaking to him and he wouldn't feel like his new car is his only friend causing him to:
A. Park like a looser (That is you Back Up Man, that is you...)
B. Become anal retentive because he is to close to my car and thinks that I have never used the car door before and don't know how far it will swing. SERIOUSLY. I had to open the door to get in the car to drive it. I know how it works.
C. He just needs to give it up and to walk towards the gosh darn light, really. He is so old his SSN is one.
Hence, another violent Post Office killing almost occurred in the parking lot today. But I thought to myself, "What would Jesus do?" And I decided that sending Ol' Man to meet Jesus in some ways would have been appropriate. I mean, in heaven, he could back that SUV up in to parking spots all day. And Jesus could explain to him how I'M IN THE RIGHT AND DON'T DESERVE TO BE HONKED AT. But then I decided that Jesus probably isn't really looking forward to another cranky, possessions oriented old man, so I waved and told him to have a nice day. When I got back from dropping off my mail, he was gone. How sad. He must have felt the love in my one fingered wave... JUST KIDDING. I'm not 13, I didn't flip him off. Sheesh... : )


At 11:09 AM , Blogger Rach said...

Thank you. I am living vicariously through you, as your blogs are so much more interesting, really.

At 12:47 AM , Blogger Leah Johnson said...

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At 12:52 AM , Blogger Leah Johnson said... funny lady. I've been thinking about you...i was hoping you'd write me on myspace :( or something...but i guess i can just check your blog for updates :) one word of caution about renting your house out, whoever it might be make sure you TRUST them fully with taking care of the house. William's bro rented his house out while he was down in AZ and the people trashed it and now he's suing Windemere for property damages. Anywhoo, be careful :) alright i love you! write me soon!


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