Thursday, April 19, 2007

Just another day... So I thought!

So I have this big secret, one that I really haven't been able to talk about until now. The main reason is that it's work related, and I would NEVER want to spill the beans before I am supposed to and in the process shoot myself in the foot.

So here it is:

I am moving. I am transferring to the western branch of our company. A position came up about two weeks ago, and I started thinking about it. Then last week I emailed the HR over on the west side and got some more info. Then this morning, I got that info... and I decided to take the job! AAHHH!!!!

AHHHH... intake of breath.... AHHHHH!!!!

The reason I couldn't talk about it is that I didn't want my current boss to find out I was looking. Lookers can get canned for looking sometimes. And I would be in sorry shape if I ended up with no jobs instead of options.

So, the Westside has agreed to wait for me to finish this quarter of school. Plus, it is very important to me that I don't burn my bridges and I want very much to make sure that my replacement is well trained and ready to take over. I will then still work with them somewhat when I transfer. So the planned move date is June 16th (conveniently also Father's Day weekend) and then my potential start day would be June 18th. Things are a little flexible, because I need to be sure that my future trainee is ready for me to leave.

That's the plan my friends! It's crazy, but it's going to happen!



At 4:14 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, oh, wow! That is awesome news! I'm glad everything is working out for you. And you'll get to see Lacey a lot still too! It's good all the way around. Congrats!

At 6:12 PM , Blogger Meagan said...

Yay! I am glad that you figured it all out. I will be sad when you move in June cause I will be all by my lonesome in Spokane :( I am happy for you and that makes up for it!

At 8:29 PM , Blogger srcsmgrl said...

Yay! Congratulations! Hope I will get to see you sometimes when you are here.


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