Thursday, April 12, 2007


So what is up my faithful readers? (That would mean you my "Piratety Friend aka One that bugs me to bestow what can only be considered a summary of my lame-o-ness know as life".)
I should be at school right now. And it sounds cool when I say should be, because I know that you are thinking about leather jackets,
poodle skirts and that all time hit know as "Beauty School Drop Out". What would our lives be like if John Travolta hadn't made us swoon in that classic movie Grease? A youth group sponsored girl's sleep over classic.
"Sandy... oh. Sandy... I sit and wonder why,
whhhhyyyyy-ie, why, you left me, Oh, Sandy...."
Ahh. To bad that Johnny can never compare to my all time favorite Johnny. Mr Johnny Depp to you. I have his poster... and I would just like to say that he is one brooding, bad boy, Hotty Hot Pants. I would have to say he is the only guy I know that can wear eyeliner as it should be worn. Now that you are all sufficiently shocked and surprised (it's like a car accident, you just can't look away!!), I will get back to the subject at hand.
School. Signed up again. Yep. Classes are on Tuesday and Thursday. My teacher was sick today, so I am home. I love that about school. When the teacher is sick in elementary school, you get a sub. When the teacher is sick in college. YOU! get! to! go! home!!!
P.S. I really hope that she is feeling better soon.
What else is new... Oh, ya. For the first time in a while, don't really like my place
o'work. However, I am still the exemplary employee that I have always been. And that will never change.
Oh, Howard got a little hair cut. Actually he got shaved. Oops. I think that I should mention that it is very important to be SPECIFIC when telling the groomer that you want a little off the top. Because then you might come by to pick up your cute little
Pomeranian and walk right past him because you don't recognize him anymore. And then your mom might cry at the sight of him, because he looks so pitiful and sad... and cold. And then your dog might get a tough guy complex in hopes of maintaining his image with the cats in the house that are constantly mocking him when you aren't looking. You see where this is going?
Here is Howard before:

This is Howard as of last week:

As you can see... it was a wee bit of a shock. The worst night was Sunday though. Poor Howard, in the depth of his personal shame and
despair attempted to end it all. He pulled a classic the coffee table is my personal buffet move while I was out grocery shopping. In about fifteen minutes (I don't buy alot of groceries, it's just me to cook for which equals let's buy a frozen pizza and call it good), Howard managed to eat about ten ounces of chocolate that my room mate had left out. Sigh.... I immediately took him outside in hopes that he would just throw it up (this has happened once before and his stomach took care of business in a timely manner). However, no such luck and the internet (on which everything you read is true, 100%, always) said that he was in trouble. Dogs can digest one ounce per pound of dog of milk chocolate and one ounce per three pounds of dark chocolate. Howard weights 12 pounds. And he ate a ten ounce bag of mixed mini chocolate bars, of which about a fourth was dark chocolate. So we hopped into the car, and I dropped him off a bridge. JUST KIDDING!! Oh my gosh, do you really think that I would do that? People, this is me. I am a sucker for cute little animals. Especially pitiful shaved ones with chocolate breathe. I took him to the vet where I paid $125 for them to make him throw up. The good news is that I didn't have to clean it up. Yes....
Howard pulled through, and he is slowly
acclimating to his new look. I am liking it because he doesn't shed at all now. Which is good for me, bad for the Swiffer business. I have been single handedly supporting them for a while now.
Anyway... I am now going to conclude this short novel and call it a night. I'm glad that we had a chance to catch up! Talk to you soon...


At 8:44 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness! He does look kind of sad. I miss the fluffiness. But I bet he'll be happy when it's 90 degrees out. =)

P.S. Glad he made it through the chocolate poison scare ok

At 10:38 AM , Blogger Rach said...

Is it horrible of me to admit that I like him better like that? I like white supremist Howard better than hippy Howard...


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