Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Guess what my favorite reason for blogging is? So that I don't have to work on my homework! Ya!!
So now that I have all shown you what I did to my poor little doggie, I would like to note that I do kinda like that fact that he isn't shedding 24/7. And he looks more like a boy. But he was pretty cute when he was all fluffy. It's slowly growing out... and I think that he has completely forgiven me.
I stubbed my toe earlier. I have to say, stubbed toes are pretty painful. They don't seem to go away very fast... it's that lingering throbbing that I find annoying. Stupid chair. It just jumped out in front of me and wham... my little itty bitty (and you know that my toes are that small) toe is hurted. How come no one wants to kiss it and make it all better? Besides Howard? Howard the toe licker. Now that tickles. Ewww!!!
It's not like my homework is all that terrible. I don't even have that much to do. But I don't want to do it. So I must put it off as long as possible. Which would be right about now....
Darn it.
Okay... talk with you soon.


At 9:56 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad you're blogging! Even if it is just to get out of homework.


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