Thursday, August 02, 2007

Another year...

The big day came and went... and I turned another year older. I think that I should be feeling something... but all I can muster up is how tired I still am from life in general!! Last weekend was super fun!! The girls and I celebrated just about everything, ranging from taking the bar (and passing! Faith Ladies! Faith!!) to just celebrate being friends. We drank a little to much, danced a lot to much, and recovered poolside like all rockstars do. Isn't that what Vegas is all about?
I'm loving living on the West side. It still seems somewhat surreal, and I find myself thinking, "I can't believe that I live here now!! I really, really live here!!" Crazy, I know.
It seems like I'm keeping myself a little to busy somehow. I don't plan things to be that way, it just seems to happen. Making new friends, spending time with the "old" ones, I don't seem to be home very often anymore. Poor Howard is feeling neglected, I'm sure. He is joining me for a jaunt to Ocean Shores this weekend though. Yes, a weekend at the beach should help us all relax a little. I feel like I should say it more along the lines of, "Yes, a few of us are headed to the Hampton's for the weekend you know, just to unwind."
Wow... how did it get to be 10pm already? Really. I still have two loads of laundry, dishes, and a cat little box to freshen up. Sigh.
Sorry there really isn't much time to fill in the cracks... I promise, some pretty funny stuff has been going down!! : )


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