Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Hmm..... So I was reading through some of my old blogs... and I just really appreciate my own sense of humor. I know, it's probably somewhat self involved to say that. But its the truth. I do own my mental sanity to my sense of humor. I think that if I couldn't laugh at myself, well, I don't know how I would survive. : ) Plus, I love the fact that I can always be entertained, even if it's just by myself. How many other people can really make themselves laugh so hard that they cry? Wait the goal was not to cry. Darn it. Anyway
In other news, wait...h I feel like the clicking coming from the living room is the tv turning off and on, let me check.... Weird. Nothing is going on. Random.
Anyway, things have been okay. Last weekend was quite the weekend. I managed to be up late two nights in a row! I know!! I had to prep for it though, by staying home and resting up two days before the weekend. Talk about your age hitting you. Man, I was wiped out all day on Saturday and then Sunday (after getting home at 4am) well, lets just say that some serious sleeping in happened. Until 10am. Then BFF and I hit up one of my all time favorite chow places, The Cheesecake Factory. They have a chop salad there that even entices me. And I am not a big fan of the green stuff. Maybe I like it because it's chopped so small, that it is really well disguised and it doesn't look as salad-ish. Perhaps.
Oh, speaking of awesme things, guess what? I have a friend who works in Seattle and she totally saw Dave Matthews. I know!! I love his music. How cool is that? I live in the same area as ROCK STARS! I knew that moving would be good for my image. : )


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