Thursday, November 01, 2007

Today is definitely dragging along… man…. This is why people like earlier shifts, because you get off work early. It’s hard to stay until 4pm sometimes. Eack!
So Roomie II and I are looking for a new place, something cheaper, but still in an okay neighborhood. We would really prefer to rent a house, but we haven’t come across an amazing one yet. Probably because people live in their amazing houses, and don’t want to rent them out. Also, I have found that people are demanding an enormous amount for pet deposits. Two places wanted $500 NON REFUNDABLE. As in, give me your money and then you will never, ever see it again, even if you take your dog out and he is super good and never messes on the carpet. For five hundred dollars, I would forget the litter box and just let Carrot use the closet. Ha! Use the five hundred dollars to replace that bi-otches. I wouldn’t do that. The house would be disgusting and smell terrible. I couldn’t live there. Eww. That is totally gross and in the end I would suffer more then they would. But it’s very revenge-ful-ish. Yes. Ha!
I looked at a house yesterday that was just plain ADORABLE and everything that we were looking for, but someone else had already beat us to the punch and applied. The Property Management Company was supposed to call me today to let me know if their application had gone through or not, but they haven’t called yet. I was kinda hoping for a stray bolt of lightning to hit them while they were on their way home from work yesterday, but I didn’t see anything on the news about it. Sad. Besides, how can you get some one knocked off if you don’t know their name? It makes that difficult. Just a little complicated.
If I haven’t heard from them by 4:30, I’m calling. Actually I’m going to call sooner then that because I have an awesome eyebrow waxing appointment at 4:45. Just so you know. I’m not so good with the upkeep of my eyebrows. I like to get them waxed, because it takes a fraction of the time it would take me to pluck them and it keeps me from hopping around the bathroom sneezing and eye’s watering, whimpering because I have ¾ of an eyebrow down and a lot more to go. Darn it. Once you start, you have to finish. Otherwise I look like I’m continually questioning people or mocking them with one eyebrow up and the other down. Rude!! I know!
One time I tried to shave them instead of pluck. We all know what happened. I ended up with one eyebrow…and then one little spot on the other side of my face. Kinda like an exclamation point across my forehead. Awesome. One time I was shaving my cousin Benny’s head and the little guard thing came off and he had a line where the razor hit. I know!! He is really, really tall, but he was playing basketball at the time and you could totally tell from the bleachers. So I filled the little line in with eyeliner and it wasn’t obvious until he was all sweaty and then… well then you could see it again. Oops. I didn’t tell him that eyeliner isn’t permanent and he thought that it was… Hmmm.
So… I’m pretty excited. I think that my friend might come visit me from New York. I know! Ya! I normally don’t blog about the personal touchy feely stuff on here… but I had to share it! The sucky part is that I will feel like I need to hang all my pictures (I know. I have lived in my apartment for six months and haven’t hung any pictures really.) which is terrible because they would be up for about two weeks and then I would be moving again. Sheesh. What to do? I can’t handle the pressure!


At 7:13 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good luck on the house hunt!


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