Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Ugh.... the house in Spokane is finally ready to sell. After two weekends of fixing it up, it looks so cute! So cute that I wish I could just pick it up and move it over here to the "right" side of the state. Sigh. I could not have gotten it ready with out the help of my parents and my foster sister, Alicia. I don't think that I have blogged about her yet, have I? About six months ago (I know... I should blog more often!!) my parents got a frantic call from their pastor asking them to watch her for a weekend. Some things had come into light that were going to put her and her six brothers and sisters into the CPS system if they didn't find a place for them to stay right away. My parents knew her well, specifically my mom who had been teaching Alicia's Sunday school class for the last couple of years, and were happy to help. Things have progressed and now they are officially foster parents for her! I love having her around. She is 13, and so sweet. Unlike me at the age of thirteen, she is helpful and a hard worker. She has such a great sense of humor and she is very, very creative! I told her the other day that she was putting Sarah (my younger sis) and I to shame! She always keeps her room clean, does her chores... she is making me look bad, for sure. :) We both laughed about it. She has, seriously, the prettiest hair too. It's that fantastic deep auburn with a natural curl to it... I'm so jealous! Poor girl had no idea how to take care of it either. She had been brushing it out in to a poof ball with out any product in it at all. We spent some time in WalMart and picked out some hair products to encourage the curl, and she was shocked at how curly it really is!
Anyway... so the house should be on the market here soon. I signed the papers with my realtor, and gave her the keys. A part of me is sad to see it go, but the majority of me knows that it is the right financial decision for me. I bought it at a time in my life when I was under the impression that I was "settling down". I was DEFINITELY settling, but in the wrong ways. Now that the "settler" and I are not involved, I really don't mind parting with it. A chapter in my life is closing with it, and I'm okay with that. It does bring back happy memories of girls nights though! :) I will post some pictures when I get them from my realtor!
Besides that things are going well, school is plodding along. No word yet from YWAM as to if I've been accepted yet. I finally emailed them, since its been three weeks since they got the last portion of my references. We will see what they say! I'll let you know as soon as I hear anything!


At 11:02 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

So many changes! I'm still crossing my fingers you'll get that YWAM position. =)


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