Tuesday, December 26, 2006

I hate snow (Part Two)

Merry Christmas! I hope that you all had a good holiday, spent time with the people you love (or your family) and that Santa brought you what you wanted.
I managed to get Friday off work, so Thursday night I headed up to my parents house. My sister and bro-in-law were already in Spokane running errands, so they offered to give me a lift. It was great! We were about half an hour into the trip when we discovered that we had forgotten the turkey and had to come back. Nice. I did remember everything else, which was quite a feat. I spent the weekend with my family, which was fun. We did a lot of cooking and playing games. Infact, we had quite the rousing round of Pictionary, in which I was required to prove my unshakeable talent once again. As my younger cousins grow, they believe that they can beat me. But they can’t. Who else can guess labotamy from a little picture of a head with a line through the top of it? Oh, ya, I can. You can’t. That is why I am the champion. The extended weekend wasn’t really that relaxing, partially due to a sledding accident on Saturday (I still can’t sit down comfortably, I think that I may have cracked my poor tailbone. It’s another reason for me to HATE snow,) and partially due to the crazy schedule that my family always seems to have. This schedule included getting up at 7am on Christmas Day so that they could be in Seattle that evening. I think that it should be against the law for you to have to get up early on Christmas Day. In fact, I’ve already decided that I’m going to keep my kids up late so that they will sleep in. The new rule is, if you get up before 9am, Santa takes back all of your presents. I was disappointed that we had to celebrate on Saturday instead of the actual officially set aside day. It was sucky. I’m really glad that we all got to spend time together, but I was the one left at home, by myself, sitting on my broken tailbone on Christmas evening. Don’t worry, I sufficiently drown all my sorrows in eggnog and Christmas cookies, but I haven’t had to spend “holiday” time by myself before. I have just been lucky enough to manage to be with family or friends. So I watched some nauseatingly Christmasy movies on TV and took a four hour nap. I then unpacked the two 100 pound suitcases I had taken with me for the four day, three nights trip (I know, I really under packed) and went to bed. Pretty exciting, I know!Man, my tailbone really hurts. Still. I have this oddly shaped bruise too… It’s currently the darkest purple I have ever seen… and it’s split in half, between my two cheeks. Ouch. I’m thinking that I need to get into the doctor, to at least get some pain medication. Can they prescribe you a drip of morphine to your butt cheeks? How am I supposed to sit at work? I think that they rest of the office is entertained by my inability to sit or stand properly. Good thing girls don’t fart, or I would be in even more pain….


At 7:57 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Definitely a good thing girls don't fart . . .

Hope your tailbone gets better soon. Hopefully you'll be in dancing shape again by Thursday!

At 1:16 AM , Blogger Jeffrey said...

Girls don't fart? Oh yeah... And they don't sweat, they don't burp, they don't squat up against trees and pee outside, they don't not shave their legs for four days and then say, "Feel this!" and they don't spit long spits and see if they can suck them back in before they reach the ground. Wait a minute. That one they may not actually do.

Glad you're posting again.


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