Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Bad doggies wear flour sacks on their heads.

Last night I trimmed Howard’s claws. I’m pretty sure that he is still mad at me. He didn’t even want to sit next to me afterwards; he went in to the bedroom and laid down in his bed. He did have a traumatic afternoon. I came home from work to find that he had taken the empty flour bag out of the garbage and chewed up the end of it. So I drug him downstairs and talked in my mean mommy voice, pushed his nose in the flour bag, and swatted him for chewing. I don’t even know what happened, but all the sudden, Howard was wearing the flour sack! He had chewed a big hole in the end of it, and it’s paper, so when I stuck his nose in it, it just slipped on! It was the funniest thing! So I tried really hard not to laugh, and I said, “Howard, bad dogs that chew up paper flour sacks have to wear them. How much do you like that flour sack now?” He looked so sorry, peeking at me with these huge sad puppy dog eyes through the hole in the bottom of the flour sack. Poor little Howard. I started laughing so hard, he knew that he wasn’t in trouble anymore and began prancing around the living room. Super cute. He is so silly.
Anyway…. I tired. My room mate got home late last night and talked me into going to Jack in the Box to get a milkshake. They have eggnog milkshakes now, but I think that I like the pumpkin flavor better. Anyway… a trip to anywhere always includes a conversation. He is kinda disappointed because his classes are getting harder, which means that there are less bimbo’s for him to offer his “tutoring” services to. He said that all the smart girls have boyfriends, and so it’s really cutting down on his options. (Far be it from him to narrow it down to less then five or six girls at a time!) So then he said that the dumb chicks are intimidated by all the smart girls hanging around him. Poor Roomie. It’s getting close to the holiday’s anyway, so it’s almost time for him to drop them all anyway. He has a cardinal rule, no dating between Christmas and Valentine’s Day. Apparently girls demand too much from him, like presents and appearances to family gatherings.
Not much else is new… I am just about to start billing for the month, so I don’t know if I will be able to blog tomorrow. I’ll try really hard to fit it in!!


At 4:15 PM , Blogger Lacey said...

You better! YOu owe us since you missed both Saturday AND sunday!

At 6:16 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is so funny! I bet he was so dang cute - hard to stay mad at them, isn't it?


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