Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Thanksgiving Eve!

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!
I'm super excited for this holiday! My sister, brother in law, and niece are here staying with me! I just can't get enough of Super Cute Baby Kaitlyn! She is such a sweet baby, all smiley and happy and giggly. She does have a pretty persistent squeak when she wants your attention. But how can you be upset with a sweet little snugly baby?? So great.
Not much else is new...
Howard has been helping himself to the kitty litter box when I'm not home. Sad! Two days in a row I came home and found a pile of kitty litter in my room on the floor. Poor Howard saw the back of my hand... technically my flip flop and now he is grounded. I have decided to just shut him up while I'm at work for the next couple of days in hope that he will start to behave himself again. Sigh. I though he was over this, but apparently not. I can hardly wait to move! Then this won't be an issue anymore. Hooray for new apartments! We are technically upgrading to a condo... in a gated community. I know, pretty snazzy, huh? So if you want to come visit, you have to know the secret code! Ha!


At 1:30 PM , Blogger Lacey said...

Ya! I'm excited for you guys to get a new place! When do you move? When can I come and visit?
Poor Howard, he can't help poo is like almond roca for dogs (at least that is what my mom always used to say...)


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