Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Yep... it's Lame Survey Time

1. Do you still talk to the first person you fell the hardest for?
The very first person I loved was in 6th grade, and I don't thing that I really even knew what love was all about quite yet. I don't really talk to him. I guess somewhat. We aren't close friends or anything, more mutual acquaintances, so technically yes, I do.

2. Have you ever seen your best friend naked?
Yep. But I didn't stare cause that would be rude.

3. Are you obsessed with someone?
Hey, obsession isn't a positive word. So I am going to say no. No one likes a stalker!

4. What is the best thing about your job?
The people that I work with. They are the best!

5. Do you like more than one person right now?
Sure, I probably like you. I say probably because I don't know who is reading this and who isn't. But I like most people. Probably.

6. Name something that you would love to eat right now?
Fruity Pebbles. The miracle known as breakfast cereal from heaven. It does tie with Lucky Charms though. Yum.

8. Who was the last two people to call you?
The dude that is moving out of my new apartment and my friend DeAnn.

9. If you could pick the temperature of the outdoors for the rest of your life would you?
As in every day it could vary based on what I feel like wearing, heck yes! That would be sweet! Could I control when it rains too? Because I would really like to only rain on days when I am staying home or not wearing flip flops.

10. Do you steal peoples boyfriends or girlfriends?
Heck no! Those types of peeps should be hung by their toenails and whipped. Pretty sure a super smart guy said, "Do unto others as you would have them do to you." And He knew what He was talking about.

11. Are you happy?
In general yes. I do have to move this weekend and I HATE moving. But besides the temporary discomfort of that, yes. I"m pretty happy. I could be happier, but things could also be a lot worse.

12. What's your favorite smell?
What is every girl's favorite smell? Man, of course! Oh, and that smell that causes me to forget my name when I walk by A & F at the mall. Whooo. That is what all men should smell like. But then I wouldn't be able to form a complete sentence anymore. So maybe it's a good thing they don't. Oh, second favorite smell, tie between coffee and Christmas. And yes, Christmas is a smell.

13. What is your least favorite sound?
My alarm clock. Definitely not a morning person, definitely.

14. Are you moody?
Never. Women are never moody. Ever.

15. Last person you hung out with?
DeAnn! We hung out at her house and she made me an awesome white chocolate peppermint latte on her sweet cappuccino machine. Yum!

16. Have you ever tried to get back with an ex?
Sure. Has it ever worked? Here is a hint, I'm single right now. So no, it's always a dead end road. If you are far enough apart to break up, then there is little hope in things changing the second time around.

17. Have you ever toilet papered someone's house?
No. I know, it's sad but true.

18. Have you ever liked someone but never told them?
Yes, and I would like to say that sometimes it pretty hard not to tell them. But that lovely little bit of fear is what always keeps me from saying something. Sigh.

19. Have you ever gone camping?
Ummm... I LOVE THE CAMPING! I grew up camping. And I love it. Real camping too, where you sleep in a tent in the woods and cook your dinner over the campfire. Not this stay in a trailer and hook up your running water and watch tv camping. That is lame.

20. Are you friends with all your exes?
I am only friends with one, but we have been friends for almost eight years. We were 19 when we dated. So it's safe to say that we are over that and now are really good friends instead.

21. Have you ever gone to a nude beach?
I have no desire to blind the poor unsuspecting public with my complete lack of tan.

22. Have you ever had a stalker?
Yes, and it sucked. But it's over. (See question three).

23. Have you ever gone skinny dipping?
No, see question 21 for additional information as to why.

24. Thirsty?
Sure, I guess. Are you buying? In that case I will have a double.

25. Who was the last person to make you laugh?
I did. While filling out this survey, right now! Ha!

27. Someone you are protective of?
My little sister. Oh, and Howard. Because he is a very sweet dog, but not so bright.

28. Someone who is protective of you?
My friends. My parents tried to be, but I haven't really let them in a while.

29. What was the last movie you watched?
At a theater, Enchanted. At home, Cinderella. I know, I saw Enchanted first, and then apparently didn't get enough of a fairy tale fix, so I watched Cinderella the next night.

30. Have you ever gotten a bad haircut?
Have I ever. Oh, the haircut before last was horrific! But this last haircut was awesome and I love it.

31. Where are your siblings right now?
My one and only sister is in Colville, Wa. Yep.

32. Last place you kissed someone other than family?
At the airport. Don't bring that up, it makes me kinda sad.

33. Name three things you did today:
I went to work, went to the dentist, and went to Petco to buy cat food. My life is enthralling, I know.

34. Last person you text messaged?
Hailey, my Roomie!

35. Future kids names?
Oh, that is something that me and my babies daddy will have to figure out together. : ) It takes two to make a baby, so I think that I should at least pretend to consider his opinion.

36. What are you doing tomorrow?
Oh, I have a very full schedule. Work and then packing. Ya. Not.

38. Do you miss anyone?
Yes! Of course. Silly question.

40. What is your mood?
Dreading the mass exodus of all my stuff from this apartment. Blah. Moving sucks! I think that I may have already mentioned that though...

43. Where were you 2 hours ago?
Eating dinner.

44. What were you doing last night?
Don't make fun of me, I was at my book club meeting. And it was fun. So there. I'm a nerd and I don't care. Well, I pretty much don't care. Book clubs are good for your mind. Just so you know. And I like it.

45. What does your hair look like right now?
It's brown. And cute.

46. Has anyone ever used you?
Yes, but I try to keep it from happening again.

47. Has anyone ever told you that they like you more than as a friend?
Yes. But it's been a while. Which is okay. It's always awkward if you don't feel the same way. Which would be why most people are afraid to say it.

48. What have you eaten today?
Let's see. I had a piece of pizza for breakfast since it was Safety Meeting Day at work. Then fr lunch I was in a hurry to get to the dentist so I had some fries. Then for dinner I had a chicken sandwich. That is it so far. Stop making me hungry! Sheesh.

49. Is your hair naturally curly, straight, or nappy?
It is pin straight, except for the very ends. One side curls under and the other side curls out, so it looks like the wind is blowing at me from the left. Hence, I love my curling iron. It brings uniformity to my life.

50. Who was the last friend you were in the car with?
Howard! I took him with me to Petco to buy cat food.

51. What are you looking forward to?
Being done with moving! Ya!

52. What do you think about being cheated on?
It hurts. A lot. I know from experience. And it makes you question yourself worth and your respect for the other person.

53. Is today going to be a good day?
Any day you have to go to the dentist is not a good day. But, if I stop playing around on the computer and get to packing, it will have been a productive day.


At 11:22 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love the smell of Christmas too!

But, come on, California camping is NOT lame. Air conditioning in 105 degree heat is a blessing! =)

At 9:35 AM , Blogger srcsmgrl said...

"Book clubs are good for your mind. Just so you know. And I like it."

I agree! Book groups are fun!

And good luck with the moving. I hate that, too. And again so soon!


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