Wednesday, July 23, 2008

welcm 2 the gr8t wrld of skool

I'm actually doing well in my Biology class. I know. I am shocked! I can't believe it. I managed to swing a 72.5 on the first exam, and yet I have a 3.5 grade average so far. Sheesh! What an amazing thing!! Today's exam was a bit of a killer though, I was happily selecting answers on the multiple choice questions when the first short answer question knocked me off my chair. Whoo... I actually studied for this test! I repeat myself, I studied for this test! So I was a wee bit disappointed when I couldn't remember three chemicals used in the dark photosynthesis process and the steps they take to complete it. Maybe I can't remember it because I'm not a stinking plant. So really, what do I need to know about photosynthesis? Hmm?? As it applies to me... nope wait, it doesn't Darn it.
In other news we started our Pea Lab experiments. At first when the Prof started talking about them, I freaked out in my head. Pee? That is stinking gross! I am not doing anything with anything that has to do with pee!!! But then it hit me... PEA lab, not PEE lab. Sheesh. That was a close call. It would have been very unsanitary if it was a pee lab. Anyway. We are planting PEAS in pots and then spraying them with acid to see what happens. Poor little peas, they have no idea what is going on and we are just messing with them for the heck of it. I noticed today that our groups peas are in a strange formation. We planted ten in each pot and three of them in each pot are growing. On the left side of the pots. I think there maybe a Pea Thief in our midst. There are two other groups that have ten hundred pea plants in their pots... and the rest of us have a few. Based on the formation... I could see how someone who's peas were growing decided to liberate some of our plants and then borrow them for the experiment. Two groups with ten hundred plants? Coincidence? I think not!
Oh... my English class is going well. But I kinda think that you should be able to read in order to get into the class. Read and write. Basic requirements for English 131. There is one chick, that I swear to you, she is really still posting things that are the equivalent to text messaging. Here is an example:

in this story i noticed the authr is gr8t at leadng u on to the point of wondrning what is goin on i didnt think it was ok & m not really sure bout it

I mean. REALLY??? REALLY??? What is so wrong with BASIC punctuation and perhaps an occasional capitalization when you start a new sentence? REALLY??? The Prof continues to remind her that she is required to use proper grammar when typing and it will be a deduction on her total grade if she doesn't meet the requirements. Sigh. What has this world come to? I can see spelling errors. I'm not any good at the spelling thing, but I know how to use spell check. It's the button with the check mark and the "abc" above it. Maybe I should send her a little message reminder about it. Na... it's to fun to watch. I wonder if my Prof is pulling his hair out about it yet.
No other news on the travel side of life yet. I'm still in the process of finding out about my options and narrowing them down.
Oh, Howard totally has a girlfriend! I know ! So cute! I should try to snap a little picture of her on my phone soon... She is the cutest little poodle something mix and she lives next door. Her name is Luda. She loves Howard so much!! She runs over and they wag their tails and sniff each other's faces. Then she tries to lick his little nose, but he is shy and doesn't let her. Then she will get him to chase her all around the yard and then they lay down and snuggle. So cute! Howard is defiantly going to miss her when we move.
Also, here is the link to my little house. Who knows how long the pictures will be up, since I already had three offers come in and I think that I am going to accept the third one. But check it out! We did a ton of work on it, painting and cleaning... I'm pretty proud of how cute it looks minus the dead front lawn!!

  • Becky's House

  • You know, I don't know if that link is going to work... if you can't get it too, just click on my realtor's web site and then on the right side you can click on active MLS listings and put in MLS number 28024778. It should show up then. I am not cool enough to know how to add a link to my blog and then name it something else... someone should let me know how to be that awesome... I just kinda tried by copying the same format they use on the blog template to add my links on the right side... Click on it and see what happens! Please note, I am not responsible if your computer dies, explodes, or randomly sends out ten hundred emails to strangers asking them for their phone numbers. Just so you know.

    Update! Neither links work. And I suck at this whole attaching websites thing. Sorry guys! You can find it by searching by the price, just put in $97,000 as your min and max and it will pull it up. : )


    At 10:42 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    It looks awesome! No wonder the offers are pouring in. Congrats!

    At 1:49 PM , Blogger Meagan said...

    Looks great! Like Mara said, I'm not suprised that you have three offers to choose from. Good luck!


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