Saturday, July 19, 2008

Yesterday, July18th, is now an official holiday! Yes... it's now the Day of Rejecting Becky. Wow. I got hit twice yesterday, and it was hard to swallow. But, I feel much better now because it's a yearly holiday. So it can't happen again for another WHOLE ENTIRE year, right? Sigh.
So, here is the news, I did not get accepted into the school I applied for. Sad! They emailed me to tell me that they felt that I should go to a DTS, but they did not feel that I was a good fit for their base. They recommended that I look into two other bases, one in England by London, and one in Scotland. At first I was pretty upset about it. I mean, I was so sure that it was what I was supposed to do. Why would this happen? Sigh. So I am looking into other places, I emailed the one in England, and I also found one in Williamsburg, VA, that looked interesting. So, that was rejection number one.
Then, rejection number two is lame so I'm not going to talk about it. Ha!
What else is new... I am looking for a job intensely now. I applied at a local Starbucks... I would love that job so much. I am really hoping for a call back. I have a friend that is a shift manager there, and she put in a good word for me. I was kinda half expecting a phone call yesterday to go with the rejection theme, but no dice.
In other news, I totally went and saw the new Batman movie, Dark Knight. It was really good. I'm not recommending it, because I never recommend movies unless I'm super close to the person and know that they won't resent me for forgetting that one naked part that so opportunely flashed on the screen while their Grandma was making them a peanut butter sandwich causing her to freak out and assume that they are watching you-know-what instead of a movie. That has never happened before, honest. That I know of. But it has occurred to me before. So I don't recommend movies. I was worried that it was going to freak me out, since the Joker is supposed to be extremely creepy. While he is quite the creep-fest and very eerie, I was not scared beyond reason and was able to sleep last night. I think it really just made me sad, since Heath is no longer among us... more introspective about life and how short it is for some people. And really, what is the point of life? Are we here just to do and see what we can in the short time we have? Is there more to it then that? I believe so, but out of respect for those that don't want to read mushy personal belief posts, I will just say that I do believe that there is so much more to life then the accumulation of things or experiences.


At 10:50 AM , Blogger Kathleen said...

Williamsburg, VA is just a few hours from where I live!! :)
I actually went there for the first time a few weeks back, it was a really neat place.
Good like finding where you are supposed to go. I know that can be a hard journey. While sometimes it feels like we never really know...remember that each place you land you are there for a reason (at least that is what I believe)!

At 3:42 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm sorry you didn't get in to the one you wanted - I hope one of the others works out for you.

P.S. I'm looking forward to seeing you and Lacey at the wedding.


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