Tuesday, December 04, 2007

So… about those pictures. I can’t really take them until I’m unpacked, and I can’t really unpack until after this weekend, because my LandLady is coming in to paint this weekend. And I don’t want to have to move everything after I just moved it, you know. This is what is considered “justified laziness”. It’s one of my more intellectual hobbies.
The new place is okay. I love how cute the living room and kitchen are. But the Roomie and I discovered that we couldn’t use two hair dryers at the same time. Not a huge deal, since I am usually up before she is. Last night the upstairs neighbor was either fighting or watching their tv pretty loud. But I just blocked it out (meaning I had already downed about half a bottle of Nyquil) and fell asleep anyway. I am still maintaining the last of this nasty cough due to a cold that I refused to recognize I was sick with. In that refusal, I may have shared it with others. Oops.
I have no tv yet, so I have been watching movies. It’s good to see some of the old stand-by’s, and whatnot. The other night we were searching for the nearest Taco Bell and came across the Mecca of Fast Food know as 16th and Auburn Way. They have a ton of options, less then ten blocks away. Including the standby for all your frozen treats (their “hot eats” suck) Dairy Queen. The worst part is that the nearest Starbucks is not a drive through. There is one actually on the way to work, but it’s up the hill and halfway there. By then I have faced the fact that I don’t have any extra time, so it’s hard to rationalize stopping.
What else is new… hmm…. Not much. My grandma is in town, I am picking her up from the airport this afternoon and she is spending the night at my house. Then I have to get her back to the airport in time for her flight to Sunny Hawaii. I know. I can hardly wait to retire and just be… without deadlines and to take advantage of that freedom. Oh, speaking of that, I totally got my passport. Here I come world! Now if only I could afford to go somewhere exciting….
Also, I was reminded yesterday of the saying “sticking your foot in your mouth.” Sometimes I just amaze myself and not in a positive way. Blah. I hate that feeling of letting someone down, knowing that you screwed up and there isn’t anything you can do to repair it. You have to just let time pass, and hope that you can prove yourself to not be the smuck you acted like. I find it ironic that even at the ripe old age of (fill in the blank but be nice and keep the numbers low…) I still regularly forget to think before I speak. Really, I mean really? I would like to blame it on lack of sleep, or over self medication of cold drugs, but I can’t. I am just a smuck sometimes, without meaning to be. Blah.Oh, so it’s been raining a wee bit around here. Some flooding and whatnot I guess. I haven’t seen any of it yet. Well, I have seen the rain, but not the flooding. But I’m not attempting to get to Portland either. Ha! Oh, just for that snide little comment, I bet the traffic gods are going to curse my rush hour commute to the airport. I should be leaving soon anyway. Wish me luck! I feel bad, because it’s hard enough to find the couch at this point, let alone a nice place to sit and chat. Sigh…. Poor Grandma. I do have electricity and running water though. So that is something right? And the Mecca of Fast Food if snacky time should occur.


At 8:24 PM , Blogger Meagan said...

Electricity and water? poor lacey! that storm was crazy, at least from what i have read on the internets. Also laziness is always justifiable, I know, I am the lazy expert.

At 9:54 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

We all eat our feet sometimes. =)


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