Friday, July 20, 2007

Babies... and VEGAS!!!

I’m officially getting internet today. If I can make it home before the Comcast person. Fortunately I managed to get a really nice customer service agent who made a little note for the Comcast person to call me when they are on their way. Hopefully this will work. So, if I get internet… then I can start blogging again!! I know! It’s so exciting.
Oh! My desk at work is upstairs facing the driveway into work… so I can see everyone that comes and leaves work. Guess who just rode in on his awesome motorcycle from the ‘80’s? Those of you who know…are now laughing because you are picturing that never out of style jumpsuit that is always worn while driving the awesome motorcycle form the ‘80’s. You know you who are. And you are rocking people’s socks off everyday.
Big news!! As you can see below (see post before this one with adorable picture of me and my favorite baby in the world) my sister had the baby! And it’s a girl. Now that this has been established, I would like to mention several things about the birth. It was like nothing I have ever seen or heard of before. Some of the thoughts running through my mind at the time:

Eww…Gross… I mean really… Really?
She is all blue! Is she even alive? Oh, she is moving. Thank goodness.
Wow, again, I can’t believe that just happened.
That is the cutest baby I have ever seen… with a strangely misshapen head. Hmm… I hope that fixes its self soon.
I can’t believe Sarah just popped that out of herself! Crazy. For sure. Why is it that I’m crying? Someone hand me a tissue. Really, I need to get a hold of myself. Really.
A real baby just came out of my sister. Yep. A real live baby and now she is a mom.
That looked really painful... Do I really want to have kids? Maybe I should look into adoption.

So that is a short summary of the event. I would like to say that Kaitlyn is by far the cutest baby ever, once she turned a more normal color instead of blue. That was quite awkward. I am also glad to note that Kaitlyn most defiantly has dark brown hair. I mentioned to Sarah that if she had red hair, she was going to have some explaining to do. (Ever seen the move, The Englishman Who Went Up a Hill But Came Down a Mountain?)

My life is currently crazy. My car pooped out on me (I KNOW!!) and so it’s in the shop. I’m driving this rental car… I asked for the cheapest one they had... and since she didn’t have a cheap one they upgraded me for free to a boat. Well, a boat of a car. It’s a 2007 Chevy Impala. Parking it has been adventure, as in I am not used to turning starboard with out a navigation system. Sheesh!!

-Update: Got my car back… for the small nominal fee of $600.00. Not counting the $50 I paid out to two other mechanics in hopes that they could fix the issue. Lame-o.

AHHH!!! I’M GOING TO VEGAS NEXT WEEKEND!!! I’m so excited I can’t even handle it!

Monday, July 16, 2007

I'm an Auntie!!

My super cute niece was born July 14th, at 12:59 in the am. She is 6lbs, 1oz and 19 inches long. And did I mention that she is the cutest baby ever?