Friday, June 27, 2008

Now that I'm in school... I'm afraid that I might not have much else to talk about!! Sheesh. Just school, and homework, and studying, and school, and you get the idea. Ugh!!
So, other things that are going on in my life. Oh, tonight is movie night at my Cuz' house, Steve and Gena. They are so great, I really like them. I didn't like Steve so much when we were little (and I think that he may have felt the same way, this is solely based on how we both liked to be the leaders of the cousin's and I had a terrible habit of tattling...) but fortunately we both grew up, and he married the sweetest girl ever, Gena!! Anyway, they are having movie night, and it's always so much fun. Steve is an electrician, and he loves the techie type of stuff. He has this fantastic theater room that is seriously the same size as a three car garage. The while nine yards, the projector, the surround sound with more speakers that I have ever seen, etc. It's quite the event!! Plus... a certain person who I may or may have not mentioned in an earlier post will be attending as well. Hmm... if there aren't any seats left, I might just have to sit in someones lap. Sad! Okay, just kidding. Pretty much. No I'm not. Yes I am. No I'm not. Yes I am. Okay enough of that.
So I survived my first week of class. I made a new friend!! And I have already grouped everyone into the typical classic high school room groups. There are the nerdy-type people sitting in the front. You know, the one's that ALWAYS answer the Teacher's rhetorical questions. I just want you to know I was in the only one in class that new jam is thickened with Pectin (it's also used in alot of canning etc.) Yet i didn't feel the need to yell it out when the Teacher asked that. Why? Because I don't need to confirm my level of intelligence by announcing that I am a goody-two-shoes. So there. No one is impressed by your ability to open your mouth and talk every time the Teacher stops to breathe. Smarty Pants. So there. And yes, I'm glad I'm not your lab partner, because I can tell from across the room that your are extremely bossy. Hello Annoying!!
Now, I need to get to work studying and I'm still lounging around in my PJ's. :) So, more on the dynamics of the classroom at another time!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

So, school started... and I already feel like I have so much homework. When you take night classes, most of the Prof's recognize that you are working full time and so they are very lax with the homework, in fact I took one class in which I never had to crack the book! Sigh. Those were the good ole' days. Not so much anymore. But, here is the good news... only six more weeks left! It's only a seven week quarter, so I can't complain to much. It just means that things are packed in a bit more. I don't have class on Friday either, so it gives me an extra day to catch up.
I made a new friend in Biology. I can't pronounce her name, but she is pretty smart, and we were working on our homework together and she seemed to know most of the answers. Always a good idea to befriend someone who can help you out!! : )
Hmm... well, it's getting late and I need to finish up my homework for tomorrow's lab. Hopefully we get the chance to blow some stuff up. That is what a lab is all about!!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Update time!!

So, not much else is new... I am still filling out forms for school. I can't seem to find my tax return for the year 2006, so I am not really sure how that is going to end up. Sigh. School starts next Monday! I totally went and got a sweet new notebook. It's purple with flowers and a little sparkle. Not to much sparkle, though. No one wants to look like they are trying to reclaim their highschool days!! Wait, I was a huge nerd in highschool. I definitely don't want to reclaim those days.
I am also gearing up emotionally for the quick renovations and then putting my house on the market next month. I'm a little sad about it. I love my cute little house on the hill, and even though I know that I'm not meant to move back to it, I spent alot of blood, sweat, and tears on it, and I'm proud of how it turned out. Little house. It has some great memories! Girls nights, with dinner and movies.... lots of memories. But, it is just a house and fortunately the memories are mine to keep!!
Lets see... I was a super great person and helped my cousin paint her house last weekend! Oh... and I might have run into a cute guy, who I might have given my phone number to, who might not have called me yet, but he might have told his brother who told my cuz, who told his wife, who told me, that he might be interested in me. So I might have a mini-crush on him... and I may or may not be plotting (err... I mean arranging) to have dinner at her house where we would all just happen to be invited. : ) Perhaps. I can't really say either way though. You know, hush-hush. Isn't it funny how boys think that it's all their idea? If they only knew how much we "arranged" for those opportunities to come up, I think that they would be shocked. But we will never tell! It only works if they think that it's their idea to start out with. I promise to keep you updated on how things go!!
I have some fun plans for the weekend! I am road tripping down to see Lacey! Hooray! Friday night we have some rocking plans to make some dinner and watch a movie. Then Saturday I am meeting up with a highschool friend who lives in Montana, but is in Aberdeen to visit her sister. We are going to catch up and chill for a bit. Then it's back home lickity split to get ready for my other cousin's bachlorette/bridal shower party on Sunday. It is going to be so much fun! I found this ADORABLE little winery/cidery in Enumclaw that we are going to tour and do some wine and cider tasting. Then we are headed back to the freshly painted cousin's house to pig out on some fantastic food. :) I know, I didn't get enough of the wine tasting in Cali, so I had to scoot around here and find some Washington spots. I don't know if you all remember the other thing Enumclaw is famous for... a little hopping bar called The Yellow Beak!! (Mara? Lacey?)
Oh... and in the midst of all that, I will be attending church Sunday am because a certain guy may or may not be there as well... :) Don't tell anyone that is why I'm going. It will look bad on my Missionary Resume!!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Oh my goodness! I am posting twice in one week! SHOCKING!! I know.
So... in order to fill up my time this summer (and to avoid getting a J-O-B) I have signed up for summer classes at the local Green River CC! I know, so exciting. Turns out that I already have 45 of the 90 credits needed to graduate with my AA, so I just need to get a few more classes in... So, the good news is that I can take classes during the day now (ya!) the sad news is that I (the adviser I met with mentioned twice how impressed he was, he hasn't seen a transcript like mine in a while) have been extremely good at avoiding all the needed sciences to graduate. Darn it. So, I had to choose between science about bodies, rocks, or plant life. LAME. How about the science of avoiding science? I feel that this is something I have already mastered. Automatic 4.0, peoples, yes indeed. I opted for plant life. I think that the might be a little easier to identify then ten hundred rocks all the same shade of gray. Well...except that plants are generally all green. But green is a happy color right? So I will be happy while I'm tearing my hair out trying to figure out what in heavens name that stupid little grass thingy is. Perfect.
Also, in other good news, since I'm on unemployment I am attempting to get more info on "worker retraining" money! Then I can get some help paying for school. Always nice, for sure. So I have been busy jumping through hoop after hoop after hoop.... sigh. Who here loves government forms?!? Ya. Not.
I went to a orientation earlier this week at the local office for those of us with out J-O-B's. Not only was I the youngest person there, I also had the most teeth (as in I have all of mine. Except my wisdom teeth. That doesn't count though. I just decided that.) Oh, and I was definitely the best dressed. But that happens all the time to me. The best dresesed part. And I guess all my friends, for the most part, have all their teeth... or are only missing one's that you can't see really. Hmm.... Anyway. I also felt that they really didn't want anyone to go back to school! I know! They started off the lecture saying, "School money is really hard to get. So you really should just go out there and get a job instead. We are going to help you help yourself get a good job. One that is sutible to your current skills." Good thing the lecture was about getting retraining. I can tell they really support people trying to better themselves by getting or finishing their education. Thank you tax dollars at work. How can we save money? Convince everyone that they aren't going to be approved for school help. When I went to the school, they said the exact opposite! In fact, they signed me up on the spot for ANOTHER orientation... Sigh. SO MANY Orientations! Sigh. Hoop after hoop after hoop. It's worth it though! Anything I can do to get a little help is good!!

Sunday, June 08, 2008

Happy Two Year Blogging Anniversary! I can't believe that I have been blogging for two years! Okay, not that regularly, but it's the thought that counts.
So... what is new? I'm still unemployed, but I am attempting to get back to school for the summer. Hopefully things work out and I can get some credits done. I moved, again. Darn it, when I bought a house I promised myself I would NEVER move again. Oops. I have moved three times in the past year and some change. I hate moving. My main reason to hate it is the fact that I can't do it by myself. I have a hard time asking people for help, especially when it's to do something not fun. I can make almost everything. Except carrying twenty five hundred boxes of someone else's crap up three flights of stairs. Ya. That just sucks. ANYWAY. The move is over and I am settling in. Since I have no JOB, you would assume that I would move home, right? Well... my parents live to far away. So I moved in with my Roomie's parents. Not really, just kinda. They have an adorable two bedroom apartment over their garage, and I'm renting a room. I have a new Roomie (the org. Roomie moved into her old bedroom in the house) and it's a bit strange. Mostly because I didn't know her before I moved in. I haven't ever lived with a stranger before, I have always been friends with the person first. She is super nice, and I do like her. But she mostly just stays in her room. I'm not sure if she just doesn't like Howard and Carrot James, or if she is shy... Or maybe I should shower more. : ) Just Kidding. Everyone knows that it's important to shower every day. Usually. Oops. Anyway. I'm sure that we will get to know each other better soon, and then it will be less uncomfortable. Or it's just me freaking out thinking that she has been waiting all day to watch something on tv and I'm just sitting there monopolizing it. Whatever. I mean, that is cool. You know how it is when you are getting to know someone and you don't want to offend them, so you don't really know what to do or say... I need to not think about this so much. Maybe I should get some new hobbies.
What else is new. Oh, ya. So I applied for school in Ireland. Surprise! I might be leaving the country in November! I know! I'm pretty excited about it. It's a really great thing. For those of you who are familiar with it, I applied to YWAM (Youth With A Mission) and so if I get in, I will be gone for seven months doing the DTS (Discipleship Training School). It's in downtown Belfast, and I will be living there for four months (that is the "lecture" phase) and then I will be traveling for three months (the "outreach" phase). I really hope that I get in. I should hear back in the next two weeks or so. I'm so excited. To get the chance to learn more about my faith, and to help make a difference in the world. Pretty freaking cool!!
Let's see... Oh, I totally forgot to mention that over Memorial Day weekend, Lacey and I went to see Mara! It was so fun! Her house is BEA-ti-ful!! And we had a blast! We hung out, played a new game called Eckure. I know that isn't how you spell it, but I give up on that. We also went wine tasting, which was fascinating. Oh, and Brent made us amazing BBQ two nights in a row! I love BBQ. Really, I do. Oh, and we went into San Fran too, and we toured Alcatraz! That was interesting, we went to the night tour and it was cool to hear about the history and see how small the cells were. Pretty sure I'm not going to look in to a life a crime. The don't even give you outlets to use your hair dryer. I can't live like that. Nope.
So.... that is the update for now!! Ta-ta!