Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Warning! This blog is somewhat depressing... my apologies in advance.

My house did not close. Two days after the date it was scheduled to close (I signed an extension) it came to our attention that the guy buying was married and in the midst of a divorce. His soon to be ex was asked to sign a quick claim deed to this house, and she almost did but decided to consult her lawyer first. Smart woman. The divorce is in the state of OR, which is not a community property state. Oh, by WA is. So that means if she holds out and he buys the house with out a quick claim deed, she gets half when the divorce goes through. So the buyer backed out and gave up his earnest money to me ($1000). I have yet to see the money, but I hear that is coming. Sigh. I just wanted to sell the house! I mean really! I was so close! All the paperwork was signed, his loan was approved and funded. Darn it. So now I start over from scratch AGAIN. This is killing me financially. The house has been empty for almost four months now. I was only prepared for two months of it being empty.
So, the scheduling is changing at work. I'm one of the lucky few, and have been chosen for a M-F shift. I was shocked! I get to close M-F, so I'm working 1pm to 9:30pm, which is really not bad at all considering that 40 hours at this job is really, really hard to get. I'm pretty excited to get my weekends back, even if they won't start until 10pm on Friday night. This is the only good news in this blog, so I would recommend that you read the paragraph again, just to cheer you up a bit!
My landlord's family (who also happened to be my parent's best friends whom I've known my whole life) have two little yellow lab puppies, Wally and Max. They are just so cute, a couple of months old, so they aren't full grown yet. Three days ago, we noticed that Max was really lethargic and not eating or drinking. They took him to the vet, who checked him for that one doggy sickness that starts with a P and it wasn't that and the vet couldn't decide what was going on, so he got a shot of antibiotics and some pills. Then on Saturday, it seemed that Wally was starting to come down with it and he stopped eating or drinking as well. Sunday night I was in the midst of a checkers game with Brian (he was soundly beating me unfortunately) and we heard Wally start throwing up in his kennel. Poor puppy. We cleaned it up and then put him back in. I came home from running errands today to the news that Wally wasn't around anymore. He apparently died this afternoon sometime. I'm so unbelievably sad for my friends! And I'm also really, really worried about Howard. Howard doesn't have any symptoms, he is acting completely normal, but he does hang out with the puppies on occasion and he uses the same yard for his business. I'm going to keep watching him to make sure that nothing changes, but I'm slightly worried since I have to work tomorrow night. I don't really want to leave him home alone for eight hours since whatever it is seems to take affect really quickly. The puppies had a bad habit of getting into the garbage, so it's possible that something like that caused it. But would one get sick and then the other get sick later on? Sigh.
In other news, classes started yesterday. I signed up for just one, History 200. It is an online class... and it's going to be labor intensive so I'm glad that I'm only doing one class. I was intending on going full time again, but when the house didn't close I didn't have the money. Stupid house. My realtor says that the third time is the charm. I know that it's not her fault that it didn't go through, it was the buyer's fault for not disclosing the fact that he was still legally married. Smuck-head. That was a surprise no one was ready for!

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Not to much new is going on... My new job has succeed in canceling out any social life I pretended to have. I work all nights and weekends, so I have adjusted my sleeping schedule a bit. To much actually, as I feel like all I do now is get home from work, hang out for a bit, sleep in, and then get ready and go to work. Ack. I miss the M-F beauty of an office job, but that is all I miss about office jobs!!
I am attempting to get into the school so I can figure out what I am doing this quarter. I feel bad, Mara is already acing all her classes and I haven't even signed up for mine yet. The problem is that when you sign up, they want you to pay for them. Lame, I know. The quarter doesn't start until the 22nd. So I have lots of time, right?
My house is scheduled to close tomorrow. Thank goodness. I mean, really, I can't even imagine what it would be like to sell it with out a realtor there to help you. I'm so glad that I have one, she is fantastic! If you ever need a house sold in the Spokane area, I would recommend her beyond reason. She did a wonderful job!!
Whoo...I feel like this is a boring blog peeps, sorry about that. I'm a bit tired. Two things happened that are making me feel older:

1. I finally had to break out my Birkenstock shoes with the extra arch support. Standing on my feet all day is taking it's toll. Next step, orthopedic land. Ya. Hope those shoes come in the ever classic "bone" or "taupe" color. Ugh...
2. I found myself carrying a bag of dog food and a bag of cat food through Fred Meyer last night after I got off work at 10pm. Nothing says desperate old maid like a lady carrying BOTH dog and cat food. Ouch.

Time for me to rediscover my youth. But how?? That is the question....