Thursday, November 20, 2008

Hmm... Update time!

Not to much new going on... I'm almost done with this quarter. I am really getting behind though, I didn't give much effort to my last paper and I only got 88 out of 100 on it. I have become a bit of a slacker, just because most days are full with the three jobs I'm working at the moment. Sigh. This weekend I was planning on road tripping it over to Spokane/Colville, but I have decided to stay home and get some things done instead. My Prof is kind enough to outline our final exam paper for us completely, so I can get a head start on it. Plus I need to visit another local museum and write a paper about that as well. So many papers! Thank goodness he isn't asking for more then three to five pages each. Easy-smeasy! I just have to buckle down and get it done.
So I have a bit of a current obsession. I'm slightly embarrassed to admit it. I have the hugest crush on Vin Diesel right now. I don't even know what happened. It started with me buying a movie and now I seem to be at Hollywood Video every night renting every movie I can find with him in it. He is just so stinkin' H-O-T-T. Whoo... I think it's a combo of that deep gravely voice and the beefcake/bad guy with a good heart. Sheesh. Out of control. I was looking online for a support group yesterday, but all I found were fan club sites, and they are all unofficial. Hmmm... I think that I just need a real live distraction in order to assist in my recovery. To bad no one has applied for that position yet. Sheesh, again.
So my family has decide to desert me for Thanksgiving. Not completely, they are coming over on Friday and we are celebrating on Saturday. So, I have two choices for Thanksgiving day. I work until 4:30, so I can pick up some bad take out and have a Vin Hotty Hot Pants Diesel Marathon, or I can attach myself to someone else's celebration. I can't decide. Either way I have to work all day Friday (both jobs) which is good for my bank account. Then I get the weekend off... which is just in time to chill with my family. Hmm... Decisions, decisions. I think that I will beg an invite to someone else's dinner. Free food is always worth the trip!!
Besides that, nothing else new and exciting going on around here. I guess in someways that is good, ya?