Saturday, August 23, 2008

This is funny to me. Very Funny...

Friday, August 22, 2008

I feel like I should blog, but I don't really feel like it... so I am filling out another lame survey that I found on MySpace. I know. It's a sad way to go...but I know that you are still going to read it!

When was the last time you wanted to punch someone in their face?
Two days ago when a customer (he is a regular) told me that he couldn't understand why any man would marry an American women, since they could marry a foreign women who wouldn't talk back to them and treat them better. I told him it was because most men want a partner, not a SLAVE. And also because sometimes men fall in love and convince women to do stupid things. Like marry them.

What was the last thing you cried about?
Oh... I don't really want to admit this, but it was yesterday. Sigh.

Do you have a friend you can tell stuff to and you're sure they won't tell?
Yes, I do! :) And I love them for it!

Do your parents force you to go to church or let you make the decision?
I go to church because I love Jesus, and I know that it is good for me.

Do you believe in true love?
This question is reminding me of the movie the Princess Bride when the Bishop is like: "Twoo Loove. We are Gathwered hewer today becawas of Twooo Luve. And yes, I believe in it. I watched to many Disney movies as a child to give that one up.

When was the last time you were disappointed?
Tonight. When I checked my bank account after getting my first paycheck.

Do you miss your past?
I miss being carefree and having no responsibilities. I miss having all my friends live in the same town.

What are you doing today?
Today I slept in a bit, got some things done around the house and then went to work, closed the store, and came home. Now I'm on the computer in case you couldn't guess.

Have you ever broken someone’s heart?
They never directly said that I did. I heard it through the grapevine. But it was not verified by me personally. He told me that he never wanted to speak to me again, it was to painful, so I am guessing yes???

Do you think your ex still likes you?
Hmm... which one? The most recent? I'm guessing not, since he is now married.

Do you know anyone in the military currently?
I know a couple people who are related to or friends with someone in the military. I don't know anyone personally, no.

What's the last thing you put in your mouth?
Oh, Passion Fruit Ice tea with one pump classic, once pump raspberry, one half pump melon and a dash of strawberry sauce. Yum, yum, yum!! P.S. I love my job!

Do you believe ex's can be friends?
Generally no, I am friends with one ex, and it's mostly because we didn't date for that long, and it was not ever serious. I think it depends on how long you have known each other. But I don't think that you can ever take the relationship back a step, to friendship. So it's all or nothing, risk it or always wonder...

What is wrong with you right now?
Oh, my. That is a loaded question. Are we talking about mentally? Or physically? I don't think we have the time for this.

What are you listening to?
The movie Twister. I'm watching it while I type this survey.

Whose house did you go to today?
No one's, just mine. :)

Who was the last to cook for you?
Oh, um... I didn't cook today. Lets see... Oh! The chef's at The Cheesecake Factory. My friend took me out to lunch there yesterday! Thanks Lady, it was awesome!

Do you know what you're wearing tomorrow?
By the end of the day it will be black, white and/or kacki. Dress code at work.

How have you felt today?
Pretty good. I'm tired now. I was freaking out earlier because when I closed somehow the safe count was ten bucks over. Maybe all the dollar bills had babies today. Besides that, I feel okay. Thanks for asking!

When was the last time you talked to your number 1 on top friends?
Today, we texted a little bit.

What are you wearing on your feet?
Wouldn't you like to know. Okay, I will tell you...Nothing...they are totally naked right now!

Whats your favorite song?
Right now? I am still loving Imogen Heap's CD, specifically song 6 and 8.

Do you like being in pictures?
No, because I don't really like the way I look. All bug eyed and squinty, with three ears and a second nose. But my blue mohawk matches my eyes. You know. :)

Are you a morning person or a night person?
If 9am is a morning person, then I am. I don't really wake up until then usually. Even if I have been functioning for hours at that point. I do really well up until about 10pm. Then I get tired, but if I focus and work past the tired spot, them I'm up all night.

Are you a forgiving person?
Yes, I am. I don't have the time to remember all that stuff. Plus, that is really how you end up with so many wrinkles. All that worrying and holding grudges.

Do you know if anyone likes you?
Well, Howard does. And Carrot James. And my parents. Oh, you were talking about guys? Hmm... one said that he does. But I'm pretty sure he likes himself alot more then me, so it's not going to work out so well in the long run I think. If I ever get up the courage to say anything to him. That will never happen. Next question!

Do you get distracted easily?
Am I a girl? Does is rain in Seattle? Of course I do! Especially by cute shoes, purses, and shiny things! Oh, look at that......Wait, what was I saying again?

Can you keep a secret?
Yes, I can. It's not easy, especially if its a good secret that you want to tell everyone so that then can be happy about it too, but I can.

Monday, August 18, 2008

The new job is going along swimmingly! Its so funny, I have been to so many green apron stores and found that 75% of the girls that work there are a bit on the snotty side. There isn't one snotty person to be found in my store! Anywhere! I love it. Everyone is real and genuine. Either that or they put something in the coffee. I don't know. It is possible. Hmm....
I am still messing up a bit now and then, the pressure of ten drinks in the cue can get me a little confused. There are approximately ten million things to remember when making a drink, and I can only seem to retain two thirds of them. There are also three hundred thousand recipes, of which I am supposed to have all of them memorized. Oops. Thank goodness there is a cheat sheet booklet in the secret hidden place. That way I can check before I add the wrong things.
Its actually kinda nice to have a dress code too. It narrowed down my wardrobe to three pairs of pants and four shirts. It really just means that I have to do laundry more often, but that is okay.
Since I'm training to be primarily the closing shift supervisor, I have been working late afternoons and evenings for the last week (now you know why I haven't called! Can we still be friends?) and will continue to do so until the end of time. Sigh. It works well with school, but I don't like not getting home until 10pm. That is kinda sucky. Plus, this is the first non-office hours job I've had since I was 17, so it's weird that I work the weekends. Really strange to me. I get one day off this week. I had one day off last week. I got called in to cover some shifts that needed covering, and so my days off are missing. But the more hours the better! That is how I feel!
Oh! I totally almost killed a customer yesterday. Yep. She ordered a green tea, and I assumed she meant a green tea latte. Nope. She came back to the counter and said that we had given her the wrong drink, and P.S. she is lactose intolerant. Ahh! I felt so terrible! We refunded her drink and gave her a coupon for a free drink, but I felt so bad. Poor lady. Plus my boss was there too. That is always great, when the boss watches you make a deadly mistake.
Note: I do know that lactose intolerance does not cause death. But deathly things happen to you. And it makes me sad. I know a bit about it. I think that I'm slightly lactose intolerant myself. Which made the day that I was learning the cold bar unhappy for me. I had to make every type of frap on the list and then taste them all. Then I went home and cried in the bathroom for awhile. It was crappy. Ha! That is a pun on words. Lets not talk about that anymore. My sense of humor is degenerating quickly to the third grade level, which is never positive. I also got my keys yesterday, to the store and the safe. Tonight is my first night closing, I am being shadowed by another closer for two nights and then I'm on my own. Lets hope I don't do something stupid and set the alarm off. Or forget to lock the store. The pressure is to much! :)

Monday, August 11, 2008

Is it a blog post? Or a book? Sheesh!!

Sometimes I wonder. Why is it, just when you start to get excited about life again, that things blow up in your face? Sheesh. I am stressed out beyond reason, and its all due to a combination of finals, our lovely for the people and by the people government, and home inspectors.
I have one major final left, on Thursday, and its seriously a combination of my entire Biology class. The entire class. Not the first half, not the second half, the whole stinking class. Wow.
The government and I are not friends. I'm about ready to move to Canada. As you know, being unemployed for a bit, I was receiving benefits. Then I started up school. The entire time I was at school, I was looking for work. I found a job, which I still have. The government is mad at me, because I went to school without their permission (which I didn't know that I needed) and they want their money back. Lame. I am attempting to appeal the decision. Who knows. I have no idea what I'm doing, I'm Joe-Shmoe from down the street without any legal experience at all. I think that it's stupid. They are claiming that I didn't fill out some form that no one told me I needed to fill out, and so I'm already lost in the paperwork. The problem really lies in the fact that I won't be able to sleep (and maybe eat) until this stupid mess is figured out. It's alot of random debt that I have no way of paying back...until my house sells. Which brings me to item three. My house is old. It was built in 1911. P.S. If a house is built and then a hundred years later you come back and freak out because it settled and the floors aren't level anymore, you are an idiot. Of course it's not going to be plumb everywhere! It's been a hundred frigging years since it was built!! Really!! Surprise Home Inspector! The house isn't level anymore. Shocking I know. Oh, and P.S.S. If you breathe on your carbon monoxide tester, it registers at a slight level. That doesn't mean that my furnace is leaking... it means that you are alive (unfortunately) and you don't know how to use your own equipment. Sad, but true. These are the reasons that my first buyers backed out. Hopefully the second set of buyers are a little more adept to life in general.
Fortunately some good things are happening in my life...
I love, love, love my new job. It is so fun, and I'm so excited about it. I'm learning so much, and it's on a subject that really interests me, coffee! I also love the people that I work with, and my new boss. It's nice to be in a place where your job description is spelled out, and the expectations are obvious. Did I mention that my old job hired two people back? And I wasn't one of them? That really hurt my feelings. I thought that I was pretty close to the people that I worked with, and they seemed to have a positive opinion of me, that I had not done anything to deserve being laid off, but they had simply fallen on hard times. I guess not. Sigh. But I do love my new job!! So much! I have completed my barista training, and this week I train on how to close. Then next week I shadow a Shift Supervisor the first night, she shadows me the second, and then I close by myself the third! So exciting! : ) The majority of the customers are so nice, and they love the little shop. There is another shop about two blocks away with a drive thru, so our customers are the ones that aren't in a hurry and want to walk in and enjoy their visit.
Last little update, I am still looking to join the travelers of the world via YWAM, but at this point I haven't heard back from the England one I applied to, and I am thinking that the Spring class would be better for me if I get accepted. I think it would be very unprofessional of me to leave my job this soon after starting, and I don't want to burn any bridges. So, I am going to take semester at Green River, and see what happens after that.
I guess really, all my stressful crazy issues are just me being pushed and prodded, learning to have faith that there is a plan for my life and learning that not knowing what it is will still be okay. I just always like to know the plan. Maybe that is why I'm not privy to it at this time. : )
Can you tell that part way through this vent/rant/cry session that my mom and I had a chat and she managed to calm me down? Nothing really helps me fell better then a good long chat with someone who loves me and believes in me. Whoever that person is for you, tell them thank you, because their friendship is irreplaceable!!

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Short, but sweet!!

I have been so stinking busy, I haven't posted about some awesome things!! And the worst part is, I still can't really post because it's already eleven in the pm and I have a biology test tomorrow... But, I must, MUST update in a short list format or I will never get around to it, and then life will pass everyone (that is you my faithful one reader!) by!

1. I have a j-o-b. I started on Monday. I'll give you a hint... I wear a green apron. get a set of keys, and I do know what venti with no foam means. And I LOVE IT!!!

2. I only have one and a half weeks of school left! Horray! For Summer Break!!

3. While in the Tech Lab today at school, the fire alarms went off and they straight up made us evacuate... and when we went downstairs to leave... it was totally smoky! I must get the scoop tomorrow! I sure hope I can find out what happend! I have some ideas of my own though...

4. Finally, another offer came in on my house (the first one backed out due to a stupid inspector that scared them off with false info) and I'm really hoping that this one sticks around. I can't afford to make both my rent here and my house payment for another month, and I really don't want to call the parents. I hate that. I'm 27. I shouldn't have to call them and ask them for money. I hate money in general and how it controls everyone's lives. Let's not get on this subject or it will take all night.

Okay, that is all for now... I promise to fill you in soon! Wish me luck on my test tomorrow!