Thursday, August 09, 2007

Ahh…. I love it that most of my friends are here, so close to me. I love it, love it, love it. For sure. Fa Shizle. I miss girls night though, Ladies! Can I get a “woot, woot?” That was always a good time. Time to relax, practice my recipes on my unsuspecting friends. You know, your real friends are the ones that eat the Apple Cider Vinegar Chicken with Caramelized Onions you slaved over, and then several days later you find out that they hate onions. : ) Thanks.

P.S. Did I mention that I LIVE within driving distance of IKEA??? I was drooling over their catalog yesterday… and I was inspired to redecorate the whole apartment. But alas, my bank account was not as inspired as I was and it literally almost cried when I brought the subject up. Sad, I know. I think that I may be able to sneak a few things in though, with out it noticing.

Hmm… I was sitting here, listening to my non-pod (also know as your local cheap knock off mp3 player) and this song came on…. And it’s funny to me how one song can change how you feel. There are few songs that really bring things to mind, people, places, events. I think there is a country song about that very thing. But don't worry, I was not listening to that specific song.

It seems to me that these events, these memories, they are such a part of me. Shaped me to be who I am. Decisions that people were shocked or at least slightly concerned about my sanity when they were informed of them, were probably some of the best things that I have ever done.

You know, you only live once. : )

Thursday, August 02, 2007

Another year...

The big day came and went... and I turned another year older. I think that I should be feeling something... but all I can muster up is how tired I still am from life in general!! Last weekend was super fun!! The girls and I celebrated just about everything, ranging from taking the bar (and passing! Faith Ladies! Faith!!) to just celebrate being friends. We drank a little to much, danced a lot to much, and recovered poolside like all rockstars do. Isn't that what Vegas is all about?
I'm loving living on the West side. It still seems somewhat surreal, and I find myself thinking, "I can't believe that I live here now!! I really, really live here!!" Crazy, I know.
It seems like I'm keeping myself a little to busy somehow. I don't plan things to be that way, it just seems to happen. Making new friends, spending time with the "old" ones, I don't seem to be home very often anymore. Poor Howard is feeling neglected, I'm sure. He is joining me for a jaunt to Ocean Shores this weekend though. Yes, a weekend at the beach should help us all relax a little. I feel like I should say it more along the lines of, "Yes, a few of us are headed to the Hampton's for the weekend you know, just to unwind."
Wow... how did it get to be 10pm already? Really. I still have two loads of laundry, dishes, and a cat little box to freshen up. Sigh.
Sorry there really isn't much time to fill in the cracks... I promise, some pretty funny stuff has been going down!! : )