So I totally slipped and bit it hard on the ice yesterday. Another reminder as to why I hate winter. If it wasn’t for Christmas, I would just stick my head in the sand and wait for the next two months to go by. My hands and knees still hurt! Not only was my pride damaged, but my reputation as a graceful member of the finer sex is ruined, plus my coworkers were watching. Sigh. I hate snow. I saw several people who were “so super excited” about it. Infact, I even read a little poem by a friend who said that he had a snogasm when he saw that it was snowing. I tried really hard to be happy about it on Saturday morning. I even called up A and was like, “what’s up A? Did you see that fluffy white stuff outside? Isn’t it pretty?” Then A was like, “Ya it is! I love it! Wanna meet at Hogan’s for lunch? They have really yummy soup and grilled cheese!” So I agreed. And the moment that I stepped outside I was reminded. Then as I scraped my car, I was reminded. When I waited for 25 cars to go up the hill at 5 miles an hour so that I could pull out of my driveway, I was reminded. As I slipped and slided my way into the parking lot, I was reminded. Reminded of why I don’t like snow. Call me a grinch, but I don't like snow. Never have, never will. I was extremely dissapointed to see that it snowed in Seattle. People over there freak out about it! My sister said that she saw a lady driving with chains on all four wheels, on dry pavement this morning. Wow. Way to over prepare. I think that it took my brother in law a little over five hours to get home. He left work at 6pm and walked in the door a little after 11pm. Terrible. I really can't whine to much. Oh, yes I can. It's my blog! Sweet.
The Birthplace of Fabulousness
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Hmm... I think it's true!
What nationality are you?
[x] you wear flip flops all year
[ ] you call flipflops thongs not flip flops
[x] you love a backyard barbie
[x] you know a barbie is not a doll
[x] you love the beach
[x] sometimes you swear without realizing
[ ] you're a sports fanatic
[ ] you are stacks tanned
[ ] you're a bit of a bogan
[ ] you scratch your butt without shame
[ ] you have an australian something (thongs, shirt, phone sock, etc.)
Total = 5
[ ] the Sopranos is a great show.
[] your last name ends in a vowel.
[x] your grandmother makes her own sauce.
[x] you know how a real meatball tastes.
[ ] you know a lot of italian songs.
[x] you have dark hair and dark eye color
[ ] you speak some italian.
[x] you are under 5'10''.
[x] pizza is the best food in the world.
[x] you talk with your hands.
Total = 6
[ ] you say member instead of REmember
[x] you speak some spanish
[x] you love tacos.
[ ] yoU TyPe lIkE ThIs On Da CoMpUtEr.
[ ] you are dark skinned
[ ] you know what a Bodega is.
[] you talk fast.
[x ] If you are a girl you have had highlights or dyed your hair.
Total= 3
[ ] you say villian as: Vee-lon
[ ] you get short tempered
[ ] you know of somebody named boris/natasha
[x] white skinned
[x]you get cold easily
[ ] snow is fun for you
[ ] you get into contests often
[ ] You can easily make do with the cold weather
Total = 2
[x] you think beer is the best
[ ] You have a bad temper
[ ] Your last name starts with a Mc, Murph, O', or Fitz, or ends with a ly, on, un, an, ry.
[x] you have blue or green eyes.
[x] you like the color green.
[x] you have been to a st.pattys day party.
[x] you have family from Ireland.
total= 5
[ ] you say nigga/nukka casually
[ ]You have nappy hair
[ ] you LOVE/LIKE rap
[] you talk with slang
[x] you know how to shoot a gun
[ ] you think President George Walker Bush is racist
[] you like fried chicken
[x] you like watermelon
[x] you can dance
[ ] you can ‘sing’ gospel
[ ] your parents said they found you in the jungle in Africa
Total = 3
[ ] you have slanty eyes
[x] you like rice a lot
[x] you are smart
[x] you have played the piano
[ ] you have family from asia
[ ] you have teeny feet
[x] you laugh sometimes covering your mouth
[ ] at least one person thinks your chinese
Total = 4
[x] you like bread
[ ] you think American Chocolate would be better with less Sugar
[ ] you drink your soda without ice
[ ] you Speak German
[x] you know what Schnitzel is
[ ] you are Catholic or Lutheran
[ ] you hate it when stupid people call you a Nazi
[x] you went to Kindergarten/Pre-school
[ ] you're over 5' 10"
Total = 3
[ ] you like/play/played hockey
[x] you love beer
[x] You say eh
[x] you don't believe war is the answer
[ ] you know what poutine is
[ ] you speak some french
[ ] you love Tim Horton's
[x] at one point you lived in a cabin
[x] you have gotten high
[ ] you watch DEGRASSI
Total = 5
[x] you love to shop
[x] You own enough shirts, pants, sweaters and shoes to cloth all of lower Africa and parts of Asia
[x] You have a small dog that wears sweaters
[x] you are easily distracted by shiny things
[x] you have friends that think they are invisible pirates
[x] you like to cook, even though you have poisoned at least two people by accident
[x] You are bringing sexy back, yeah
[x] You realize and embrace that no one is cooler then you, but it’s okay to let people try, since it makes them happy
Total= 8
Friday, November 24, 2006
Apparently I'm pretty general...
Your Linguistic Profile: |
70% General American English |
15% Upper Midwestern |
10% Yankee |
0% Dixie |
0% Midwestern |
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
You smell like Red Robin
So last night I went to the grocery store, dropped way to much money for all the Thanksgiving fixin's and then came home and did some prep work. I am attempting to keep myself from being that hostess that runs around the house screaming ten minutes before everyone shows up because she is still two hours away from dinner being ready. I have a secret plan to keep this from happening. Step one was to prep all my veggies, so I chopped up all the onions, celery, etc for the stuffing. And I made the bruchetta last night, so it would have time to marinate really well. So needless to say, I was downstairs finishing up my laundry when the room got home. The roomie walked in, and started sniffing... turned to me and announced, "You smell like Red Robin." Apparently Red Robin smells like onions, celery, fresh basil, and garlic. Hmm.....
Oh, here is the rest of my secret plan:
Step two: Open the first bottle of wine when I put the turkey in... at 6am tomorrow morning.
Step three: Book a table at Red Robin, just in case the turkey catches fire.
Step four: Cancel reservation becase the wine has gone to my head, and I'm drunk enought that everything tastes good now.
Step five: Pass out on the couch before guests arrive.
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Bad doggies wear flour sacks on their heads.
Last night I trimmed Howard’s claws. I’m pretty sure that he is still mad at me. He didn’t even want to sit next to me afterwards; he went in to the bedroom and laid down in his bed. He did have a traumatic afternoon. I came home from work to find that he had taken the empty flour bag out of the garbage and chewed up the end of it. So I drug him downstairs and talked in my mean mommy voice, pushed his nose in the flour bag, and swatted him for chewing. I don’t even know what happened, but all the sudden, Howard was wearing the flour sack! He had chewed a big hole in the end of it, and it’s paper, so when I stuck his nose in it, it just slipped on! It was the funniest thing! So I tried really hard not to laugh, and I said, “Howard, bad dogs that chew up paper flour sacks have to wear them. How much do you like that flour sack now?” He looked so sorry, peeking at me with these huge sad puppy dog eyes through the hole in the bottom of the flour sack. Poor little Howard. I started laughing so hard, he knew that he wasn’t in trouble anymore and began prancing around the living room. Super cute. He is so silly.
Anyway…. I tired. My room mate got home late last night and talked me into going to Jack in the Box to get a milkshake. They have eggnog milkshakes now, but I think that I like the pumpkin flavor better. Anyway… a trip to anywhere always includes a conversation. He is kinda disappointed because his classes are getting harder, which means that there are less bimbo’s for him to offer his “tutoring” services to. He said that all the smart girls have boyfriends, and so it’s really cutting down on his options. (Far be it from him to narrow it down to less then five or six girls at a time!) So then he said that the dumb chicks are intimidated by all the smart girls hanging around him. Poor Roomie. It’s getting close to the holiday’s anyway, so it’s almost time for him to drop them all anyway. He has a cardinal rule, no dating between Christmas and Valentine’s Day. Apparently girls demand too much from him, like presents and appearances to family gatherings.
Not much else is new… I am just about to start billing for the month, so I don’t know if I will be able to blog tomorrow. I’ll try really hard to fit it in!!
Monday, November 20, 2006
Your Ideal Pet is a Little Dog |
![]() You're both high strung, hyper, and cute. You're one of the few people who can get away with carrying your little dog in a little bag. |
Grumpy Grumpy Pants
Who is a grump grumpy pants today? Me. I don't even know why. I think that it's because I have to work. Why didn't I end up independently wealthy? Or at least the child of an independently wealthy family? Hmm?? I wouldn't have minded boarding schools in Europe. Really. I wouldn’t have minded the culture, the edicate classes, and the fieldtrips to museums. Sigh. Instead I got some of that good ol’ home schooling. I did walk away with some excellent negotiation skills. J
Man, I totally just bit my lip by accident. I’m eating, no savoring, a home made lemon bar. I do love lemon bars, hence I made some last night. I’m getting into that mood… you know the cooking for the holiday’s mood. Which is good, because I’m going to be making Thanksgiving dinner this year! Ya! I’m so excited. I’ve done it before, and it turned out quite nicely. The food was excellent, and the company was as well. I love entertaining. It’s so much fun to spend time with your friends, enjoying a good meal and good conversation. Wonderful. You know, if I ever have the chance to be a housewife, I’m just going to love that part of it, the cooking and entertaining part.
The weekend was fun. Rene came to see me at the last moment. As in she decided to ride with Pat and Sarah two hours before they left. It was so very nice to have her visit, however, I’m worried that some people might think that she lives here as often as she is around! We didn’t do too much; we spend some time helping Lacey pack (Ya! Three whole boxes of stuff!) , and then did a little shopping. We also went to see the new James Bond movie. How can you not love James Bond? He is so suave, so debonair. He fights the bad guys, risks his life, woos the ladies, and has the nicest, I mean gadgets. Oops, wait, that didn’t come out quite right. I’m sure that you know what I mean. I heart James Bond. We should be together. I can’t believe he hasn’t called me yet. You are all invited to our wedding. I think that we might have two, one here in the states and one for his friends in England. I’m still working out the details. But don’t worry; I’m totally not a stalker. Honest.
Friday, November 17, 2006
Blogging... Ya!
What up yo? I don't like the "normal" size font on this blogger. I feel like it's screaming... READ ME, I"M SO IMPORTANT THAT EVERYONE HAS TO READ ME NOW. I really feel like my blog is not that important. Like I think that it is important to me, and that is cool, but it isn't really that important to the rest of the world. And that is okay with me. Yep.
So Howard is doing great, he is feeling much better. My vet said that sometimes little dogs like him can throw their backs out from jumping around on the couch and stuff, so I need to be careful with him. I don't want to have to take him to a little doggie chiropractor. He already gets to go to the spa more then I do, he doesn't need physical therapy. He does need some counseling though. He has self image issues. I think that this is mostly due to the fact that people in general think he is a girl. It's because he is super fluffy and cute. I tried putting him in a blue sweater, but all the other dogs made fun of him. Poor little Howard.
I'm really glad that it's Friday. Oh, and Rene is totally coming to see me! Ya! So I need to get my house cleaned up a bit first... talk to you all later!
Side note: Does anyone find it at all ironic that the spell check for blogger does not recognize the work blog or any forms of it? Hmm....
Thursday, November 16, 2006
The Roomie's winds of change
Hey.... last night the roomie had to run som errands, and I had nothing else to do, so I tagged along. We stopped by the infamous K-Mart to pick up some school supplies. So I'm walking down the ilse and I see somthing that catches my eye. I stop, pick it up and look it over. While I'm checking it out, I notice that the roomie walks past me and stand just out of view at the end of the ilse. The roomie then lets out the loudest, nastiest fart ever. I look up just as the lady standing next to me gives me a terrible look. I turn, and the roomie is pointing at me and laughing. Sheesh. Nice job, now that lady thinks that fart was mine. Sheesh. Want to know why I can't go anywhere with the roomie? Now you know.
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
I wish I was a punk rocker with flowers in my hair.
Actually, I’m really glad that I’m not a punk rocker, because then I would have to quit due to the incredibly LAME song that I wrote now on the radio. Seriously. Does anyone really think to themselves, I wish that? I mean, for show and tell, would you really want your parent to come in and say that? What does your parent do Bobby? Oh, my parent is a punk rocker with flowers in their hair. Talk about social outcast. Even the nerdy kids wouldn’t talk to Bobby after that. Sheesh.
Girl’s Night! YA! Good times. We had it at my house, I tried this new recipe from Rachel Ray, and it turned out pretty well. At least I was pretty happy with it. Next time I might use a little more chicken stock versus apple cider vinegar. We went and saw Marie Antoinette. It’s only playing in one theater here in Spokane. Strange, huh? It was okay. I really enjoyed the costumes and the scenery. French history is not my forte, but it was interesting. I have always been a little enamored with the customs and lifestyles of Royalty, and I have read a lot of historical fiction (meaning semi-historically correct). Anyway, I think that the think that really bothered me was that they used current music in the background. Not the entire time, but definitely some of the time. I don’t know, it just kinda rubbed me the wrong way. Anyway. Just my opinion.
Monday, November 13, 2006
Monday... Monday...
All right, National Blog Month should only be celebrated during the week. Because apparently I don’t spend any time on the computer over the weekend. I think part of it maybe that I have to spend eight hours a day typing on one at work, and everyone needs a little break.
Oh, did you know that cats like banana bread? At least the office cat does. I do have to admit that it is homemade banana bread, by yours truly. Yum.
My weekend was to short. I didn’t end up going to Seattle; the pass was terrible, with more snow on the way. So I chickened out, and stayed home.
I did do a couple of fun things. Friday I took Amber to the airport (she was determined to make it to Seattle), then Saturday I slept in, did some house stuff and then I hung out with Lacey and Meagan on Saturday night. Sunday I slept in again (two days in a row, it’s awesome) and then I went to the grocery store, came home and did a little cooking. I watched Nacho Libre… it was funny. Not super-laugh-until-you-wet-your-pants-a-little-bit-funny, but “chuckle now and then and smile a lot” funny. Oh… you know what movie did make me almost wet my pant a little bit from laughing so hard? Jackass Two. Don’t tell my mom that I saw it. Most of it was pretty gross, and I would never recommend it, but I really think it’s funny when people fall. I don’t know why. I just do. Anyway.Today is definitely a Monday, and that means lots of little fires to put out at work. I have been thinking about getting a part time job, just to help out over the holiday season. I actually applied at Fred Meyer yesterday. I applied to their apparel/shoes department. We will see how that works out. I wonder if they will even call me. They had this entire section of the application that was a kind of personality test. They asked me questions like; do you find that it’s hard to be patient with slow people? Or, do you cuss when you are in an argument? And, do you consider yourself to be a neat and tidy person? Oh, and do you find it’s hard to finish tasks that you have started? Of course, I lied and said that yes, I finish everything that I start. (I hope that they don’t check into it. I have ten thousand sewing/scrap booking projects that are half done. Plus, it took me two years to knit my first scarf!) Anyway, I haven’t ever had a part time job as well as a full time job before, and I’m a little nervous about it. I mean, you pretty much kiss all your free time good bye. I guess going to school was pretty much the same way. Hmm… I miss my pottery class. : ( That was so much fun.
Saturday, November 11, 2006
Ahh!!! 40 minutes and counting....
Man, talk about cutting it close. It is seriously almost midnight! And I almost forgot to blog again! Sheesh. Thank goodness Lacey is here to remind me. So here is a special good night blog... Sleep tight!
Friday, November 10, 2006
Snow.... and more snow
So the plan for this weekend was to hightail it over to Seattle today right after work for my friend Julie's wedding. But then, I (wisely) checked the pass report. Ah, ya. Talk about snow cramping my style, so lame, I know. With as much snow as they have now, plus the up to ten inches that they are supposed to get tonight, I can't decide if I want to go. So this quick post is to let you know that if you don't hear from me over the weekend it's because I went. If you do, then I stayed in town. Hmm... freeze to death or miss the wedding, I can't decided. I do like cake. But I dislike cold. Hmm....
Thursday, November 09, 2006
It is way to late for me to still be awake....
Hey, so I'm not normally a late nighter (ok, that is a lie. I'm going to start over).
Hey, so normally I'm not up this late on a weeknight. But I wanted to let you know how the vet visit went. The Dr. poked and proded and decided that Howard is okay. Apparently he just managed to eat something that his little doggy tummy didn't like. She said that if he still is acting weird, I should bring him in next week and they can have some blood work done to narrow it down. I think that he is feeling better though... we will see. I'll keep you posted.
Night my Peeps! Talk to you later!
Thursday... the day before Friday
People eat mountain lions. I know. I’m totally freaked out about it too. Who would seriously eat a cat? So wrong, so very, very, wrong. On so many different levels.
I don’t think that my co-worker has ever looked so gleeful when he told me that. The grin on his face was a mile wide. “Yup, people eat ‘em. And they taste good too, not like cat food, fur sure.” Oh My GOODNESS! I can’t talk about this anymore. I’m completely grossed out.
Sorry I missed yesterday’s post. I didn’t get home until late, and I went straight to bed. I didn’t even remember until this morning that I had forgotten to post. Darn it. Such is life. Here is some good news; today is three taco Thursday at Taco Time. I do love a good deal, and it’s three tacos for two dollars. Nice, huh? The only complaint I have is they don’t put sour cream on them. Besides that, they aren’t half bad. Don’t tell my mom though, because she is a hard-core Taco Bell fan. I might get disowned if they find out that I have been eating at Taco Time.
Besides the two super exciting items I have already mentioned, not much else is new. Work is work, and home is home. Howard has been feeling poorly for the last couple of days, so I made an appointment with a new vet today. Hopefully they can figure out what is going on with him. The only negative thing is that they want a fresh poo sample. I tried to talk the roommate into getting one, and even though I was completely sneaky about it, it didn’t work. I just mentioned that if the roommate was going to be home, could Howard be let out to use the bathroom? Oh, and if Howard proceeded to poo, could the room mate please be so kind as to put the poo in a little baggy? I have to take it with Howard when I take it to the vet. Thank you ever so much.It didn’t work. Darn it. Maybe next time.
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Today….Tomorrow....Last Weekend....
Yep. So the rest of the weekend. Lets see… where was I? Oh, yes. Seattle shopping… When we walked into Sephora, I was pretty sure that Mara began to glow! She loves make-up, so what is better then an entire store completely devoted to make up? Not much! We walked around; we shopped a little here and there. Not too much, because most of us didn’t really have that much money to spend or anything specific to buy. The weather kept us from really walking to far.
We headed back to the hotel, picked up some snacks (see yesterday’s blog about the search for a liquor store), and then headed out to dinner. We went out to dinner at this great restaurant, where we all tried a couple new things and a couple not so new things. Lacey ordered beef tongue. Ya, I know, but it was pretty good! I had it pictured coming out like a big piece of tongue, with the taste buds still on it, but it was sliced super thin, marinated, and then sautéed with onions. At first it was mental challenge to even get myself to try it. I like to be able to say that I like to try new things, so I figured I better step up to the plate and walk the talk. Hee…hee… that was a tongue in cheek joke. Hee…hee…Oh, that was another one!
After we partook of a fabulous spread, we walked back to the hotel and began to “get ready” to go out. As devastating beautiful as we already are, it didn’t take to long for us to freshen up. The sad part is that all that freshening up was ruined the minute that we stepped out into the pouring rain. : ) We had a pretty good time dancing and drinking in Pioneer Square, Meagan did meet a hot boy, who followed us around for a while. Mara also did bring out some golden oldies moves; I was extremely impressed with her version of the sprinkler. And I also got to see the Superman, which is new to me. I feel like a broken tape player telling the story about how we showed up and the night manager opened up the pool for us, but it deserves mentioning! We sat in the hot tub until 3am, laughing and commenting on how hotness does increase your chances to sneak alcohol into the hotel’s pool area.
We then eventually crashed and burned. The next day we stopped by Trader Joe’s on our way out of town. Lacey was totally disappointed because we had all been lead to believe that they had a ton of gluten free products. Unfortunately, the Trader Joe’s in Issaquah does not. I don’t know if it’s just a small store, and the other’s have a better offering, or if we had just been mislead. I was upset for her though, especially because she found one item that claimed to be gluten free and it wasn’t. What is up with that? Talk about misrepresentation. Sheesh. I hope that we all accomplished a little bonding, and some good times which created some good memories. I love that we could spend the time together getting to know each other better. It was so much fun. Here's to next time (hopefully the location will be in sunny CA!)
Monday, November 06, 2006
Post Two....
Okay, I'm posting again, not to make up for any missed posts, but because this is very important.

Which O.C. Character Are You? Find out @ She's Crafty
What is more important then this? Hmm??? You say nothing? I agree!
Happy Official Blog Month!
Lacey started it, and now I feel guilty for not participating. I know, normally I like to think that I can hold my own when it comes to peer pressure. Apparently not this time. I am not going to explain why I just started participating, because I think that my life is rather boring, and I may need something to blog about later on this month.
One blog per day. You know what they say, an apple a day keeps the Doctor away. I wonder what a blog a day keeps away. Sanity? Or perhaps hangnails? I hate hangnails. They are terrible. Really, there are a few things that I think we could all live without. Oh, also mosquito’s. Yep, there are LOTS of other bugs that the bird can eat. As much as I hate them, spiders do serve a purpose, so I can’t wish them eternally banishment from earth. Darn it. I do recall a certain girl’s night where a spider was pointed out to Mara and she jumped a record 4 feet, 8 inches and screamed louder then I have ever heard. Poor spider probably pee’d himself, he was so surprised!! So I quickly squished him to put him out of his misery. Talk about a terrible last thought. When I die, I really don’t want to be dwelling on the fact that I just pee’d myself. I sure hope that doesn’t happen. Now it will because I brought it up. Terrible.
Anyway. Girl’s Weekend! Ya! It was AWESOME! I’m sure that you have already checked out what Mara, Lacey, and Meagan had to say about it, but I’m going to talk about it again anyway. Because it was great!
We checked out this great comedy club, called Underground Comedy. The first thing we noticed was… it was underground. Literally. Claustrophobics Beware, it’s in the basement of a bar. We got settled, and ordered some drinks. There were three different comedians that did stand up, two that opened and one “main liner”. It was F-u-n-n-y. (P.s. When something needs to be emphasized, I have a tendency to spell it. I don’t know why. Maybe I’m trying to impress you with my infinite knowledge, who knows?)
So, I really enjoyed it. I think that some of the girls were a little tired, so they were laughing internally. : )
We then promptly went back to the hotel and went to bed. We are old and boring sometimes. Don’t tell anyone though, okay?
Saturday, we drove out to North Seattle and checked out this awesome gluten free bakery/coffee shop. Lacey got some yummy looking pastries and scones. I had an orange caramel latte. It cost me an arm and a leg, but it was good. We then met up with Rene and had some lunch. Then we headed back downtown to check out the shopping scene. You know that you are a hard-core shopper when you are willing to walk around in the rain. I think that funny part is that I’m used to it. Growing up over there, I just love the rain, and it didn’t bother me. I did use it as an excuse to pick up an awesome hat. Lacey got one that was equally as awesome, but in a different way. In fact, I think that Lacey's hat got us out of a couple of scrapes. It’s the equivalent of a super hero’s cape. No one else let the rain bother them either. There were tons of shoppers out and about. We stopped by the Westlake Center and I was nominated to ask random people if they knew where the closest liquor store was. Person number three did know of one, but it would have required driving, so we opted for the upscale overpriced grocery store across the street from our hotel.
Ahh… Sad, but I must return to working. I will continue this blog, tomorrow! I’m trying to draw it out a little. I know the suspense is killing you, but you can handle it! Breathe… breathe… and think of how exciting tomorrow’s post will be!!
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Stand back.... I'm going to take over the world!